General Science Top 50 Important Questions
General Science Top 50 Important Questions 1. टिटनेस से शरीर का तंत्रिका तंत्र प्रभावित होता है। 2. स्वस्थ मनुष्य के शरीर में रक्त का औसत
General Science Top 50 Important Questions 1. टिटनेस से शरीर का तंत्रिका तंत्र प्रभावित होता है। 2. स्वस्थ मनुष्य के शरीर में रक्त का औसत
महत्वपूर्ण वैज्ञानिक नाम • मनुष्य का वैज्ञानिक नाम क्या है?- होमो सैपियंस • मेढक का वैज्ञानिक नाम क्या है?- राना टिग्रिना • बिल्ली का
महत्वपूर्ण अविष्कार एवं अविष्कारक कैलकुलेटर — बी. पास्कल रेडियो — जी.मारकोनी डायनेमो — माइकल फैराडे शॉर्ट हैंड — पिटमैन टाइपराइटर — शोल्ज टेलीफोन —
विज्ञान के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोतर लार में कौन सा एंजाइम होता है? Ans -टायलिन चाय में कौन सा तत्व पाया जाता है.? Ans -कैफीन अवतल
100 Important MCQs on Scientists and their Inventions किस वैज्ञानिक ने बीजों के निषेचन का सिद्धांत प्रस्तुत किया? A) न्यूटन B) मेंडेल C) आइंस्टाइन D)
Science Important Question सर्वदाता रक्त समूह है : → O सर्वग्राही रक्त समूह है : → AB आर० एच० फैक्टर सबंधित है : → रक्त
1. What is the unit of work? Ans: Joule 2. Light year is the unit of Ans: Distance 3. Which of the following quantities is
Major Equipment and their Functions Barometer is used for? ✅ measurement of atmospheric pressure Stethoscope is used for? ✅ heart and lung
When is Engineers’ Day celebrated in India? A) September 15 B) July 15 C) October 15 D) August 15 Answer: A) September 15 Engineers’ Day
Q. What is the primary purpose of the International Space Station (ISS)? A) Tourism B) Military operations C) Scientific research D) Space exploration Answer: C)
Q. Who is known as the father of modern physics? A) Isaac Newton B) Albert Einstein C) Galileo Galilei D) Niels Bohr Answer: B) Albert
Q. Who invented the telephone? A) Alexander Graham Bell B) Thomas Edison C) Nikola Tesla D) Guglielmo Marconi Answer: A) Alexander Graham Bell Q. What
Q. When was ISRO founded? A) 1947 B) 1962 C) 1969 D) 1975 Answer: C) 1969 Q. What was India’s first satellite? A) Bhaskara B)
Q. What is the most important for living things to live? Answer: Oxygen Q. What are the two holes of human nose known as? Answer:
Antibiotics are medications used to treat bacterial infections by either killing the bacteria (bactericidal) or inhibiting their growth (bacteriostatic). The way antibiotics work depends on
Q. Who is the Father of Indian Space Programme? a) Dr Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai b) Dr Satish Dhawan c) Dr Homi J Bhabha d) Dr
Q. Give the ratio in which hydrogen and oxygen are present in water by volume. (a) 1:2 (b) 1:1 (c) 2:1 (d) 1:8 Correct Answer:
What is the study of the Earth’s structure, composition, and processes called? a) Biology b) Geology c) Physics d) Astronomy Answer: b) Geology Which Natural
1. Entomology is the science that studies (a) Behavior of human beings (b) Insect s (c) The origin and history of technical and scientific terms (d)
1. BCG Vaccine is used to prevent: Answer: Tuberculosis 2. Which is known as ‘growth gland’: Answer: Pituitary 3. The first effective vaccine against polio was
1. The substance that can be used as a hypnotic: Barbituric acid 2. The ‘fixing agent’ used in photographic film is: Sodium thiosulphate 3. The maximum
1031. Photo Electric effect was discovered by – Henrich Hertz 1032. The pigment which gives orange colour to a carrot – Carotene 1033. Planet Venus
1001. Kreb’s cycle takes place in – Mitochondria 1002. ………………….. is the longest glacier found in the world. – Lambert-Fisher (Australia) 1003. The largest blood
966. Downs syndrome is also known as – Trisomy 21. 967. Electromagnetic Induction was discovered by – Michael Faraday 968. An element having the name
931. The element stored in oil due to its high reactivity – Barium 932. The element which has the highest reactivity or electronegativity – Fluorine
901. Summer sleep of animals is known as – aestivation. 902. ‘The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination’ – Albert Einstein. 903.
866. Which chemical is used for the preservation of a biological specimen? Formalin 867. What are the constituent elements of sugar? Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
866. Which chemical is used for the preservation of a biological specimen? Formalin 867. What are the constituent elements of sugar? Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
831. What is the chemical name of Ajinomoto? Monosodium Glutamate 832. What is known as ‘the wonder child of electronics’? Transistors 833. Which acid is
796. What is the use of a commutator? To change the direction of electric current 797. Which is known as ‘the stress hormone’ in plants?
726. A person suffering from colour blindness cannot distinguish which colours? Red& green 727. Which is the chief nitrogenous waste in humans? Uric acid 728.
691. Which element is used to coat the photocopying drum of Xerox machine? Selenium 692. Which acid is present in colas? Phosphoric Acid 693. Which
656. Which chemical property of an element is described by the Pauling scale? Electronegativity 657. What is the full form of the LED? Light Emitting
621. Which chemically inactive gases are usually filled in bulbs to prolong the life of filament? Nitrogen & Argon 622. What is the SI unit
586. The level of glucose in human blood is ……mg per 100ml of blood: Answer: 80-120 587. Bone is used as fertilizer as it contains:
556. A solid piece of iron sinks in water but float s in mercury. This is because of the (a) Average density of water and
526. If you wish to have the maximum value of in respect of Vitamin D, which of the following would you choose? (a) Cheese (b)
496. A substance used for destroying micro-organisms and rendering the material sterile is called (a) An antibody (b) An antitoxin (c) An antigen (d) A
461. What per cent of the human body is the brain: Answer: 2 462. The basis of Protein: Answer: Amino acid 463. Tidal volume is
426. Which sense organ is most developed in birds? Eye 427. Vermiculture is related to: Earth Worm 428. Silver Revolution is related to the enhanced
386. The colour of blood in annelids: Green 387. Ambergreese is obtained from: Whale 388. Ranikhet disease of poultry is caused by: Virus 389. The
351. Which is called ‘tree of heaven’? Walnut 352. Most suitable bio fertilizer for rice field: Azolla 353. Cross-pollination fertilization between two varieties: Hybridization 354.
321. In breeder reactors, uranium-238 is converted into – Plutonium-239 322. The process of elimination of water from any system is called. – dehydration 323.
286. What is the voltage of the electricity used for the domestic purpose? (a) 460 (b) 110 (c) 230 (d) 275 Answer: (c) 287. The
251. Barbari is a type of goat originated in Berbera region of. (a) America (b) Africa
221. The organism with the highest power of olfaction: (a) Dog (b) Shark (c) Snake
191. Which is a silicate mineral aluminium and fluorine? (a) Diamond (b) Emerald (c) Topaz
156. _______ is referred as wonder metal. Ans: Titanium 157. Cathode rays are discovered by _______ Ans: Julius Plucker 158. Anode rays are discovered by
121. Iron coated with _________ is called galvanized iron. Ans: Zinc 122. Compounds of _________ are used as cooling agents in refrigerators. Ans: Flourine 123.
91. CaSO₄.2H₂O is the chemical formula of (a) Gypsum (b) Plaster of Paris (c) Caustic Soda (d) Baking Soda Answer:( a) 92. The elements in