“The Knowledge Library”

Knowledge for All, without Barriers…

An Initiative by: Kausik Chakraborty.

“The Knowledge Library”

Knowledge for All, without Barriers……….
An Initiative by: Kausik Chakraborty.

The Knowledge Library

GK Questions for Kids

  1. From which part of the body do you see?

Ans: Eye

  1. What color is an apple?

Ans: Red

  1. How many days are there in a year?

Ans: 365

  1. How many continents are there in the world?

Ans: Seven

  1. What is the capital of India?

Ans: Delhi

  1. How many days are there in a week?

Ans: Seven

  1. Which day comes after Friday?

Ans: Saturday

  1. How many colors are there in a rainbow?

Ans: Seven

  1. What is the flag of our country called?

Ans: Tricolor

  1. How many letters are there in English?

Ans: 26

  1. Write the name of the English alphabet

Ans: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z

  1. Separate Vowels and Consonants in English


Vowel: A-E-I-O-U

Consonants: B-C-D-F-G-H-J-K-L-M-N-P-Q-R-S-T-V-W-X-Y-Z

  1. How many months are there in the year? Write all names?

Ans: 12 (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)

  1. Which month of the year has the fewest days?

Ans: February (28 days and 29 days in leap year)

  1. How many planets are there in the solar system?

Ans: Seven

  1. Which is the largest planet in the solar system?


  1. Which animal is called the king of the jungle?

Ans: Lion

  1. How many hours, how many minutes and how many seconds are there in a day?

Ans: 24 hours, 60 minutes in 1 hour and 60 seconds in 1 minute

  1. Which are the major rivers of India?

Ans: Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Sutlej, Narmada, etc.

  1. What is the child of a frog called (Frog’s baby name)

Ans: Tadpole

  1. Where does honey come from?

Ans: From the beehive

  1. Ask the name of the Prime Minister of the country.

Ans: At present the Prime Minister of the country is Shri Narendra Modi.

  1. How many bones are there in the human body?

Ans: 206

GK Questions for Kids: 8-10 years

  1. Which color flag is used to stop the train?

Ans: Red

  1. Where is the tallest statue in the world, name it?

Ans: Statue of Unity (Gujarat, India)

  1. LBW is in which sport?

Ans: Cricket

  1. Which is the national flower of India?

Ans: Lotus

  1. How many digits are there in mobile number?

Ans: 10

  1. In which direction is the Sun in the morning?

Ans: East

  1. What are the national festivals of India?

Ans: Republic Day and Independence Day

  1. What is the length of the cricket pitch?

Ans: 22 yards

  1. What is an ambulance used for?

Ans: For medical emergency

  1. Where is the Parliament of India located?

Ans: Delhi

  1. London is the capital of which country?

Ans: United Kingdom

  1. What is meant by IQ?

Ans: Intelligent Quotient

  1. Which is the coldest place on earth?

Ans: Antarctica continent

  1. How many players are there in the cricket team?

Ans: 11

  1. How many players are there in a football team?

Ans: 11

  1. How many players are there in a hockey team?

Ans: 11

  1. Which is the highest peak in the world? Where is it located?

Ans: Mount Everest, Nepal

  1. Which gas do we exhale while inhaling and exhaling?

Ans: We inhale oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

  1. Which is the most populous country in the world?

Ans: China

  1. In which country are the Pyramids of Giza located?

Ans: Egypt

  1. Which is the world’s densest forest?

Ans: Amazon jungle

  1. What is the person who delivers letters called?

Ans: Postman

GK Questions for Kids: 11-12 Years

  1. Which parts of the body keep growing throughout life?

Ans: Nails and Hair

  1. What will be the next number of this series 17, 51, 85, 102,…..?

Ans: 136

  1. How many sides are there in Triangle, Square, Hexagon, Octagon, tell them in order?

Ans: 3, 4, 6, 8

  1. Which planet is known as Red Planet?

Ans: Mars

  1. Which is the smallest planet among Mars, Mercury and Venus?

Ans: Mercury

  1. What will be one third (⅓) of 450?

Ans: 150

  1. Who discovered India for European countries?

Ans: Vasco de Gama

  1. Which is the largest mammal animal in the world?

Ans: Blue whale fish

  1. Who discovered the electric bulb?

Ans: Thomas Edison

  1. Who founded Microsoft?

Ans: Bill Gates

  1. Who was the first President of the United States of America?

Ans: George Washington

  1. Who was the first Prime Minister of India?

Ans: Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

  1. Name some root vegetables

Ans: Beet, carrot, and radish are root vegetables

  1. What is the figure which has five sides called?

Ans: Pentagon

  1. Who was the first man to set foot on the moon?

Ans: Neil Armstrong

  1. How many inches are there in 1 meter?

Ans: 39.37 inches

  1. What is the name of the longest river in the world?

Ans: Nile River

  1. What is the standard taste of water?

Ans: Water is tasteless.

  1. Who discovered electricity?

Ans: Benjamin Franklin

  1. World Yoga Day is celebrated on which day?

Ans: 21st June on every year

  1. Who invented the computer?

Ans: Charles Babbage

  1. Who discovered radio?

Ans: Marconi

  1. Which place is known as the roof of the world?

Ans: Tibet

  1. Which gas is found in maximum quantity in our atmosphere?

Ans: Nitrogen (78.09%)

  1. In whose memory the Nobel Prize is given?

Ans: Alfred Nobel

  1. Which is the largest continent of the world?

Ans: Asia

  1. Who discovered penicillin in 1928?

Ans: Alexander Fleming

  1. How much of the earth is covered by seas?

Ans: 71%

  1. What is the meaning of WWW on the Internet?

Ans: World Wide Web

  1. Which is the largest desert in the world?

Ans: Sahara desert

  1. What is the hardest component on earth?

Ans: Diamond

  1. What is the name of the language that the computer understands?

Ans: Binary language [Language made up of 0’s and 1’s only]

  1. In which country is the Statue of Liberty located?

Ans: America

  1. Which is the longest animal in the world?

Ans: Giraffe

  1. Who wrote the play Romeo and Juliet?

Ans: William Shakespeare

  1. Which bird has the largest eggs?

Ans: Ostrich

  1. What is a figure which has 10 sides called?

Ans: Decagon

  1. How many centimeters are in 1 meter?

Ans: 100 cm

  1. Who gave the Theory of Relativity?

Ans: Albert Einstein

  1. Which is the smallest continent of the world?

Ans: Australia

  1. How many numbers are there in 1 million?

Ans: 1 million means 10 lakh (10,00,000)

  1. What is the top and bottom color of the rainbow?

Ans: Red color at the top & at the bottom is Violet color

  1. How many cards are there in a playing card game?

Ans: 52

  1. Which continent has the largest number of countries?

Ans: Africa continent

  1. Which is the largest country in the world by area?

Ans: Russia

  1. How many years are there in a century?

Ans: Hundred years

  1. Who invented television?

Ans: John Logie Baird

  1. Which country has the longest written constitution in the world?

Ans: India

  1. Where is the largest joint in the human body?

Ans: Knee

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