आंवला जूस पीने के फायदे
आंवला जूस पीने के कई फायदे हैं स्वास्थ्य लाभ: विटामिन सी का अच्छा स्रोत। इम्यून सिस्टम को मजबूत बनाता है। एंटीऑक्सीडेंट गुणों से भरपूर। हृदय
आंवला जूस पीने के कई फायदे हैं स्वास्थ्य लाभ: विटामिन सी का अच्छा स्रोत। इम्यून सिस्टम को मजबूत बनाता है। एंटीऑक्सीडेंट गुणों से भरपूर। हृदय
केवल एक चुकंदर खाएं रोजाना, शरीर में कई पौष्टिक तत्वों की कमी होगी पूरी चुकंदर का सेवन करने से एनीमिया, कब्ज, माहवारी की समस्या दूर
HR Employment Acronyms AAR – After Action Review AR – Annual Review ATS – Applicant Tracking System BOD – Board of Directors BU – Bargaining Unit C&B – Compensation and Benefits
It is found in abundant of research studies that organizational structure and the controls greatly impact the performance of any firm. Particularly, when the firm’
In present business environment, there are many issues such as unemployment is increasing, profits are down, costs are increasing, and the future is indefinite. To
Operations management is continually evolving. Operations management is the set of activities that create value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs
International production deals with production of goods and services in international locations and markets. It involves management process which has to take into consideration local
In present business scenario, international trade activities have increased at great pace which augmented the importance of global finance market. Global finance market mainly focuses
Export, import procedure serve as important guide to international trade operations and contains a sample of virtually every relevant document used in foreign trade (Johnson,
Free trade agreement (FTA) are aimed to reduce the obstacles to trade between two or more countries, which support to protect local markets and industries.
Foreign exchange risk, also termed as FX risk, exchange rate risk or currency risk is a financial risk that occurs when a financial deal is
Important global movement by a domestic firm is the importing and exporting of goods and services. Trade financing shares numerous common features with the traditional
Country risk is described as the economic, political and business risks that are distinctive to a specific country, and that might result in unforeseen investment
In globalization period, Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have increased radically over the last two decades. Horn and Persson (2001) and Norback and Persson (2004)
1. Foreign direct investment: Foreign Direct Investment, briefly called or FDI, is a form of investment that involves the inoculation of foreign funds into an enterprise
External capital is significant in India’s development process. External debt is defined as the total debt a country owes to foreign creditors. The debtors can
A joint venture is a form of business enterprise under-taken by two or more persons or organizations to share the expenditure and revenue of a
In global society, cultural and ethnic diversity is a phenomenon used by social theorists since many decades. Theorists illustrates different contact situations and/or explanations for
The emergence of regional trading arrangements in different parts of world shows that such arrangement are now perceived as an effective mechanism to overcome political
It has been emphasized in numerous management studies that companies cannot be confined to domestic market in the age of globalization. Firms must devise global
In international business, it is imperative to devise effectual Global Business Strategy in order to thrive in competitive world. An international feature of growth of
Communication technologies have become advanced since last decade of the twentieth century that accelerated the process of globalisation. Presently most of the nations are ready
In current economic situation, services are more significantbecause companies are operating at global level. Services are the fastest growing part of international tradeinternationalisation.It is generallyobserved
Concept of export management Export business is prevalent around the globe and in recent times it has grown at much faster rate due to globalisation
The rapid growth of open-economy tax scrutiny since many decades differs stridently from earlier patterns, when academic research on taxation posited that the national economy
Foreign Trade is the important factor in economic development in any nation. Foreign trade in India comprises of all imports and exports to and from
International business has grown rapidly in current environment as Markets have become global for majority of products and services and especially for financial tools. The
Turnaround management gained prominence when there were incidences of corporate decline at global scale that caused organizational failure. Turnaround can be explained as business firm
Mergers and acquisitions are commonly used with corporate, business and international strategies. It should be used to increase firm value and lead to strategic competitiveness
Strategic alliance in management arena is a treaty between two or more companies to collaborate in a particular business activity, so that each benefits from
Competitive advantage is extensively used in many areas. A competitive advantage is an advantage gained over contestants through providing customers greater value, either by lower
A strategic profile is a portrayal of firm’s history, its current products and services and its plans for the future. To develop the strategic profile
Industry analysis is a significant business function that is performed by business proprietors and other management experts to evaluate the present business environment. This is
Strategic analysis of any Commercial enterprise has two stages that include Internal and External analysis. External analysis: An environmental analysis in strategic management has vital role
In business Environment, company has to undergo different kind of changes. These changes occur due to internal issues of company or advancement of technology. Change
Strategic flexibility is explained by management scholars as the capability of firms to respond and successively adjust to environmental change (Evans, 1991). The phase has
Generic strategies developed by Porter explains how a company pursues competitive advantage across its chosen market scope. Competitive strategy relates to all the different numerous
Growth Strategies One of the major competitive tactics that firm adopt to enhance position in market place is growth strategies (Harrison, 2013). It is documented
Core competency is explained by academicians as an ability at which an individual is particularly proficient, or a set of actions that firms perform better
Impact matrix is an effective tool which can help organisations to convert strategy into action. The Impact / Performance Matrix provides the relative positioning for
The General Electric Matrix is extensively used to appraise competitive scenarios. GE Matrix is a viable tools that assist managers to develop organizational strategy that
The phrase experience curve is small concept and used many decades ago to define the mathematical relation between the cumulated output of a product and
BCG matrix is developed by Bruce Henderson of the Boston consulting group in the beginning of 1970’s. In this method, businesses or products are categorised
In high paced business climate, organizations are offering high quality product to gain long term competitiveness. In order to achieve desired results, the company has
Strategic management is well-organized approach that is based on effective principles and process of management to recognize the corporate objective or mission of business. It
Business policy has been traditionally related with the course in business school. It is rooted in the practice of management and has been passed through
A SWOT analysis is an effective planning tool which offers four possible fields of strategic actions by combining the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved
Strategic Planning is systematic procedure to establish the long term objectives of an organization and the policies and strategies that oversee the achievement, use and
Corporate governance is the structure and the associations which govern corporate direction and performance. The board of directors have dominant role in corporate governance. Its
Government has significant role in regulating price and distribution to maintain smooth economy in nation. It has been established that if there is good production,