501. Vermiculture is related to:
Answer: Earth Worm
502. Silver Revolution is related to the enhanced production of:
Answer: Poultry
503. White Revolution is related to the enhanced production of:
Answer: Milk
504. Antibiotic Penicillin is produced by:
Answer: Fungi
505. Birds included in the class:
Answer: Aves
506. The cockroach has …… pairs of wings:
Answer: 3
507. How many cubs does a lioness usually give birth in a delivery:
Answer: Three
508. Myrmecology is the study of:
Answer: Ants
509. Ophiology is the study of:
Answer: Snakes
510. An organism with only one leg:
Answer: Snail
511. Tadpoles are the young ones of:
Answer: Frog
512. The largest ape”:
Answer: Gorilla
513. The most intelligent among aquatic animals:
Answer: Dolphin
514. The only animal in cat family that shows sexual dimorphism:
Answer: Lion
515. What is known as ‘Killer Fish’?
Answer: Piranha
516. What is known as ‘River Horse’?
Answer: Hippopotamus
517. Which is known as ‘fossil fish’?
Answer: Coelacanth
518. Which organism has its auditory organs in the leg?
Answer: Cricket
519. Cooniculture is the scientific rearing of:
Answer: Rabbits
520. Joey is the young one of:
Answer: Kangaroo
521. Ailurophobia is the fear of:
Answer: Cats
522. The elephant has ……. teeth:
Answer: 4
523. Favourable temperature for the hatching of hen’s egg is …… degree Celcius:
Answer: 37
524. Macaca silenus is the scientific name of:
Answer: Lion Tailed Macaque
525. Study of Eggs:
Answer: Oology
526. The organism that survived evolution:
Answer: Cockroach
527. The second-largest animal in cat family:
Answer: Lion
528. What is known as ‘poor man’s cow’?
Answer: Goat
529. Which organism has a tongue longer than its body?
Answer: Calotes
530. Which organism is the symbol of cancer:
Answer: Crab