“The Knowledge Library”

Knowledge for All, without Barriers…

An Initiative by: Kausik Chakraborty.

“The Knowledge Library”

Knowledge for All, without Barriers……….
An Initiative by: Kausik Chakraborty.

The Knowledge Library

GK Collections: 9

1. Who discovered the proton? Rutherford
2. Where was the first nuclear power station established in India? Tarapur
3. Who established Shantiniketan? Rabindranath Tagore
4. In which year the Nobel Prize for Economics started? 1969
5. What is the incident of leaving the body by Gautam Buddha called? Mahaparinirvana
6. When, where and during whose reign did the first Buddhist Council take place? 483 BC, Rajagriha, Ajatashatru
7. What is the temperature of the surface of the Sun? 6000 degree Celsius
8. In which continent are the Savannah grasslands located? Africa
9. By which constitutional amendment the Panchayati Raj system was implemented? 73rd
10. If the President wants to resign, to whom will he hand it over? vice president
11. Which state has the maximum number of seats in the Lok Sabha? 80, Uttar Pradesh
12. Where was Lord Mahavir born? Kundagram (Vaishali)
13. When, where and under whose patronage was the Fourth Buddhist Council held? 98 AD, Kundalvan (Kashmir), Kanishka
14. At what angle is the earth tilted on its axis? 23.5 degree
15. What is the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere? 21%
16. What is the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? 0.03%
17. What is the width of broad gauge railway line? 1.676 m.
18. Where is the biggest cattle fair held in India? Sonpur (Bihar)
19. Which two countries are divided by the 38th parallel? North and South Korea
20. Who wrote ‘Ashtadhyayi’? Panini 
21. What is the filament of the bulb made of? tungsten
22. When, where and under whose patronage was the third Buddhist council held? In 250 BC, during the reign of Ashoka in Pataliputra
23. ‘Tripitak’ is the scripture of which religion and in which language it is written? Buddhism, Pali
24. What is the name of the Indian peninsula? deccan plateau
25. What is the sea coast from Gujarat to Goa called? Konkan
26. How many islands are there in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands? 324
27. Which two words were added to the Preamble by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment? secular and socialist
28. Whose signature is on the one rupee note? Secretary, Ministry of Finance
29. What can be the maximum period between two sessions of Parliament? 6 months
30. Whose compositions are ‘Ritusanhar’, ‘Kumarasambhava’, ‘Raghuvansham’? Kalidas
31. Where are the caves of Ajanta and Ellora? Aurangabad (Maharashtra)
32. Who built the chariot temple of Mahabalipuram? Pallava king Narasimhavarman
33. What percentage of India’s land area is covered by forests? 19%
34. Where is Jim Corbett National Park situated? Near Nainital (Uttarakhand)
35. With which game are the terms ‘birdie’, ‘eagle’, ‘bogey’, ‘par’, ‘tee’, ‘hole-in-one’ associated? Golf
36. In which state is the Sambhar lake from which salt is made? Rajasthan
37. Which ruler of the slave dynasty died after falling from a horse while playing chaugan (polo)? Qutubuddin Aibak
38. Who wrote ‘Geet Gobind’? Jaidev
39. Which dynasty’s rulers built the temples of Khujraho? Chandel
40. When and by whom was the Vijayanagara Empire founded)? Harihara and Bukka in 1336
41. Where is Ghana Bird Sanctuary located? Bharatpur (Rajasthan)
42. Where are wild asses found in India? Rann of Kutch (Gujarat)
43. Whose biography is Mein Kampf (My Struggle)? Adolf Hitler
44. Whose creation is Das Capital? Karl Marx
45. When did Mahmud Ghaznavi loot the Somnath temple? in 1025 AD
46. Which sanctuary is famous for one horned rhinoceros? Kaziranga (Assam)
47. Who wrote the book ‘Republic’? Plato
48. When did Timurlang plunder Delhi? in 1398
49. When was hockey included in the Olympic Games? at the 1928 Olympics in Amsterdam (Holland)
50. Where was Sher Shah Suri buried? Sasaram (Bihar)
51. Who discovered neutron? by james chedwick
52. Which is used as a moderator in a nuclear reactor? heavy water and graphite
53. Which is the smallest continent of the world? Australia
54. N.C.C. In which year was it established? in 1948
55. Which musical instrument does Amjad Ali Khan play? sarod
56. Which is the highest waterfall in India? Jog or Garsoppa which is on Sharavati river in Karnataka Quiz Questions
57. What is the distance of the Moon from the Earth? 385000 kms
58. Which is the least populated country in the world? Vatican City
59. Where is the gold mine in India? in Kolar (Karnataka)
60. How many schedules are there in the Indian Constitution? 12 schedule
61. How much time does the light of the Sun take to reach the Earth from the Moon? 1.3 seconds
62. What are the mines of Panna (Madhya Pradesh) famous for? Diamond
63. Which country is called the gift of the Nile? Egypt
64. Who gave the slogan ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan’? Atal Bihari Vajpayee
65. What is the old name of the country Ghana? gold coast
66. With which musical instrument is Ustad Zakir Hussain associated? Tabla
67. Who discovered America? Christopher Columbus in 1492
68. In which session of Congress was Vande Mataram sung for the first time? in 1896
69. Who discovered the ‘Theory of Relativity’? albert einstein
70. Who discovered the aeroplane? brothers oliver and williver wright
71. Who did the first heart transplant? Dr Christian Bernard (South Africa)
72. Which is called the city of seven hills? Rome
73. When was the Shak Samvat adopted as the national almanac? 22 March 1957
74. Who discovered Radium? Pierre and Marie Curie
75. At what height does the temperature decrease by 1 degree C? 165 m
76. Which planet has rings around it? Shani
77. Which is the bank with the largest number of branches in the world? state Bank of India
78. Which is the country of white elephants? Thailand
79. Kangaroo is the national symbol of which country?

80. Sundarlal Bahuguna is related to which movement? chipko movement


  1. प्रोटोनकी खोज किसने की थी ? रुदेरफोर्ड
  1. भारत में प्रथम परमाणु बिजलीघर कहाँ स्थापित किया गया ? तारापुर
  2. शान्तिनिकेतन की स्थापना किसने की ? रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर
  3. अर्थशास्त्र का नोबल पुरस्कार किस वर्ष शुरु हुआ ? 1969
  4. गौतम बुद्ध द्वारा देह-त्याग की घटना क्या कहलाती है ? महापरिनिर्वाण
  5. प्रथम बौध कौंसिल कब, कहाँ और किसके शासनकाल में हुई ? 483 BC, राजगृहअजातशत्रु
  6. सूर्य की सतह का तापमान कितना होता है ? 6000 डिग्री सेल्सिअस
  7. सवाना घास के मैदान किस महाद्वीप में है ? अफ्रीका
  8. किस संविधान संशोधन द्वारा पंचायती राज व्यवस्था लागु की गयी ? 73वें
  9. राष्ट्रपति यदि इस्तीफा देना चाहे तो किसे सौंपेगा ? उपराष्ट्रपति
  10. किस राज्य में लोकसभा की सर्वाधिक सीटें हैं ? 80, उत्तर प्रदेश
  11. भगवान महावीर का जन्म क0हाँ हुआ ? कुंडाग्राम (वैशाली)
  12. चौथी बौध कौंसिल कब, कहाँ और किसके संरक्षण में हुई ? 98 AD, कुंडलवन (कश्मीर)कनिष्क
  13. पृथ्वी अपनी धुरी पर कितने कोण पर झुकी है ? 23.5 डिग्री
  14. वायुमंडल में ऑक्सीजन की मात्रा कितनी है ? 21 %
  15. वायुमंडल में कार्बनडाइऑक्साइड की मात्रा कितनी है ? 0.03%
  16. ब्रॉड गेज रेलवे लाइन की चौड़ाई कितनी होती है ? 1.676 मी.
  17. भारत में पशुओं का सबसे बड़ा मेला कहाँ भरता है ? सोनपुर (बिहार)
  18. 38वीं पैरेलल किन दो देशों को बाँटती है ? उत्तर और दक्षिण कोरिया
  19. ‘अष्टाध्यायी’ किसने लिखी ? पाणिनि 
  20. बल्ब का फिलामेंट किसका बना होता है ? टंगस्टन
  21. तीसरी बौध कौंसिल कब, कहाँ और किसके संरक्षण में हुई ? 250 BC मेंपाटलिपुत्र में अशोक के शासनकाल में
  22. ‘त्रिपिटक’ किस धर्म के ग्रंथ हैं और किस भाषा में लिखे गए हैं ? बौद्ध धर्मपाली
  23. भारतीय प्रायद्वीप का क्या नाम है ? दक्कन का पठार
  24. गुजरात से गोवा तक समुद्री तट क्या कहलाता है ? कोंकण
  25. अंडमान निकोबार द्वीप समूह में कितने द्वीप हैं ? 324
  26. 42वें संविधान संशोधन द्वारा कौनसे 2 शब्द प्रस्तावना में जोड़े गए ? धर्मनिरपेक्ष और समाजवादी
  27. एक रुपए के नोट पर किसके हस्ताक्षर होते हैं ? सचिववित्त मंत्रालय
  28. संसद के दो सत्रों के बीच अधिकतम अवधि कितनी हो सकती है ? 6 मास
  29. ‘ऋतुसंहार’, ‘कुमारसंभव’, ‘रघुवंशम’ किसकी रचनाएँ हैं ? कालिदास
  30. अजन्ता और एलोरा की गुफाएँ कहाँ हैं ? औरंगाबाद (महाराष्ट्र)
  31. महाबलीपुरम के रथ मंदिर किसने बनवाए थे ? पल्लव राजा नरसिंहबर्मन नें
  32. भारत के कितने प्रतिशत भू-भाग पर वन हैं? 19%
  33. जिम कॉर्बेट नेशनल पार्क कहाँ स्थित है ? नैनीताल के पास (उत्तराखंड)
  34. ‘बर्डी’, ‘ईगल’, ’बोगी’, ‘पार’, ‘टी’, ‘होल-इन-वन’, शब्द किस खेल से संबंधित हैं ? गोल्फ
  35. साम्भर झील जिससे नमक बनता है किस राज्य में है ? राजस्थान
  36. गुलाम वंश का कौनसा शासक चौगान (पोलो) खेलते समय घोड़े से गिरकर मृत्यु को प्राप्त हुआ ? कुतुबुदीन ऐबक
  37. ‘गीत गोबिंद’ किसने लिखी ? जयदेव
  38. खुजराहो के मंदिर किस वंश के शासकों ने बनवाए ? चंदेल
  39. विजयनगर साम्राज्य की स्थापना कब और किसने की थी )? 1336 में हरिहर और बुक्का ने
  40. घना पक्षी विहार कहाँ स्थित है ? भरतपुर (राजस्थान)
  41. भारत में जंगली गधे कहाँ पाए जाते हैं ? कच्छ के रण (गुजरात) में
  42. मीन कैम्फ (मेरा संघर्ष) किसकी जीवनी है ? अडोल्फ़ हिटलर
  43. दास कैपिटल किसकी रचना है ? कार्ल मार्क्स
  44. महमूद गजनवी ने सोमनाथ मंदिर को कब लुटा था ? 1025 इस्वी में
  45. कौनसा अभयारण्य एक सींग वाले गैंडों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है ? काजीरंगा (असम)
  46. ‘रिपब्लिक’ पुस्तक किसने लिखी ? प्लेटो ने
  47. तैमूरलंग ने दिल्ली को कब लुटा ? 1398 में
  48. ओलंपिक खेलों में हॉकी कब शामिल किया गया ? 1928 के एम्सटर्डम (हॉलैंड) ओलंपिक में
  49. शेरशाह सूरी को कहाँ दफनाया गया ? सासाराम (बिहार)
  50. न्यूट्रान की खोज किसने की ? जेम्स चेडविक ने
  51. परमाणु रिएक्टर में मंदक के रूप में किसका प्रयोग किया जाता है ? भारी पानी और ग्रेफाइट का
  52. विश्व का सबसे छोटा महाद्वीप कौनसा है ? ऑस्ट्रेलिया
  53. N.C.C. की स्थापना किस वर्ष हुई ? 1948 में
  54. अमजद अली खान कोनसा वाद्य यंत्र बजाते हैं ? सरोद
  55. भारत का सबसे ऊँचा जलप्रपात कौनसा है ? जोग या गरसोप्पा जो शरावती नदी पर कर्नाटक में है Quiz Questions
  56. चन्द्रमा की पृथ्वी से दूरी कितनी है ? 385000 कि.मी.
  57. विश्व का सबसे कम जनसंख्या वाला देश कौनसा है ? वैटिकन सिटी
  58. भारत में सोने की खान कहाँ है ? कोलार (कर्नाटक) में
  59. भारतीय संविधान में कितनी अनुसूचियां हैं ? 12 अनुसूची
  60. सूर्य का प्रकाश चन्द्रमा से पृथ्वी तक पहुँचने में कितना समय लेता है ? 1.3 Second
  61. पन्ना (मध्य प्रदेश) की खानें किसके लिए प्रसिद्ध है ? हीरा
  62. नील नदी का उपहार कौनसा देश कहलाता है ? मिस्र
  63. ‘जय जवान, जय किसान, जय विज्ञान’ का नारा किसने दिया ? अटल बिहारी वाजपई
  64. घाना देश का पुराना नाम क्या है ? गोल्ड कोस्ट
  65. उस्ताद जाकिर हुसैन का संबंध किस वाद्ययंत्र से हैं ? तबला
  66. अमेरिका की खोज किसने की ? 1492 में क्रिस्टोफर कोलंबस ने
  67. वंदेमातरम् को सर्वप्रथम कांग्रेस के किस अधिवेशन में गाया गया ? 1896 में
  68. ‘सापेक्षता का सिद्धांत’ किसने खोजा था ? एल्बर्ट आईन्स्टाईन
  69. वायुयान की खोज किसने की ? ओलिवर और विलिवर राईट बन्धु
  70. प्रथम हृदय प्रत्यारोपण किसने किया था ? डॉ क्रिश्चियन बर्नार्ड (दक्षिणी अफ्रीका)
  71. सात पहाड़ियों का नगर कौनसा कहलाता है ? रोम
  72. शक संवत को राष्ट्रीय पंचांग के रूप में कब अपनाया गया ? 22 मार्च 1957
  73. रेडियम की खोज किसने की ? पियरे और मैरी क्युरी
  74. कितनी ऊँचाई पर जाने से तापमान 1 डिग्री C की कमी होती है ? 165 मी.
  75. किस ग्रह के चारों और वलय हैं ? शनि
  76. विश्व में सर्वाधिक शाखाओं वाला बैंक कौनसा है ? भारतीय स्टेट बैंक
  77. सफेद हाथियों का देश कौनसा है ? थाईलैंड
  78. कंगारू किस देश का राष्ट्रीय चिह्न है ? ऑस्ट्रेलिया
  79. सुन्दरलाल बहुगुणा का संबंध किस आन्दोलन से है ? चिपको आन्दोलन



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