“The Knowledge Library”

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An Initiative by: Kausik Chakraborty.

“The Knowledge Library”

Knowledge for All, without Barriers……….
An Initiative by: Kausik Chakraborty.

The Knowledge Library

World Animals GK Questions Answers in English

Q1. The animal having longest life span? – Tortoise

Q2. What animal has the highest blood pressure? – Giraffe

Q3. Which bird can fly backwards? – Humming bird

Q4. Which species of bird flies at the highest elevation? – Bar-headed Goose

Q5. Which animal has largest brain in the World? – Sperm Whale

Q6. How many muscles in each ear of a cat? – 32

Q7. Which animal exclusively eat only eucalyptus leaves and nothing else?  – Koala

Q8. How far can an owl rotate its head? – 270 degree

Q9. The age of a lion can be determined from its – Color of nose

Q10. One horn rhino is found in – India

Q11. Rhino horn is made up of – Keratin

Q12. Name the only country where both tigers and lions are found – India

Q13. How many subspecies of tiger found in the world? – 9

Q14. Which one is the largest in size among the subspecies of tiger? – Siberian tiger

Q15. What is the scientific name of Bengal Tiger? – Panthera tigris tigris

Q16. The first animal to go into space was – Dog

Q17. Which animal can create the loudest sound among any living creature? – Humpback whale

Q18. Which animal has no vocal cords? – Giraffe

Q19. Total number of brains available in a Leech – 32

Q20. Name the only mammal with hair on the soles of its feet – Polar bears

Q21. How many legs does an insect have? – 6

Q22. Which big cat species has the longest canine teeth as compared to body size? – Clouded Leopard

Q23. Giant Panda from Chine subsist almost entirely on – Bambo

Q24. Bees have _____ pairs of wings? – 2

Q25. In which continent the largest overland migration takes place on? – Africa

Q26. A baby kangaroo is also known as………. – Joey

Q27. Which animal can see both infrared and ultraviolet light? – Goldfish

Q28. The liger is a hybrid cross between………. – Male lion and female tiger

Q29. Which animal is shown on the logo of WWF (World Wildlife Fund)? – Panda

Q30. How many years can a cat live up to? – 20

Q31. Which country is the home of largest population of tigers in the wild? – India

Q32. The average weight of a blue whale is – 120000 Kg

Q33. By which process Pigeons navigates using……… – Sound waves

Q34. Why part of the body is used by snake to smell? – Tongue

Q35. Which animal is known as the best rain detector? – Elephant

Q36. Which one is the only bird that can see the colour blue? – Owl

Q37. How many stomach does a giraffe have? – 4

Q38. The age of a giraffe can be calculated from its……..– color of body spots

Q39. Who many legs does a spider have? – 8

Q40. How many wings does a bee have? – 4

Q41. Which one is the slowest moving land animal?- Three-toed Sloth

Q42. Which one is the slowest animal under water? – Seahorse

Q43. Which one has the largest eye of any land animal? – Ostrich

Q44. How many stomachs does an Ostrich have? – 3

Q45. How many teeth does a bear have? – 42

Q46. Which part of the body is used by elephant to control the body temperature? – Ear

Q47. How long is a giraffe tongue in feet? – 1.6

Q48. Bee Hummingbird is only found in……. – Cuba

Q49. Which one from the cat family cannot retract its claws? – Cheetah

Q50. Which animal has the highest blood pressure than any other? – Giraffe

Q51. An adult male gorilla is also known as……. – Silverback

Q52. In which country kiwi bird found? – New Zealand

Q53. In which era did dinosaurs exist? – Mesozoic

Q54. In which era the first mammals evolved in the earth? – Triassic

Q55. Which one from the below can change their gender? – Oysters

Q56. Which is the only animal in which the male gives birth their young? – Seahorses

Q57. The blood color of octopus is……..– Blue

Q58. Which animal has teeth in its stomach? – Lobsters

Q59. Which one is the only flying mammal in earth? – Bat

Q60. How much weight a Rhinoceros Beetle can carry compared to its body weight? – 850 times

Q61. Which one is the smallest in size of all living tiger subspecies? – Sumatran tiger

Q62. Which one is the only large island inhabited by tigers? – Sumatra

Q63. Insects belongs to the class of ……….. – Arthropoda

Q64. Which one is the largest invertebrate in the world? – Colossal Squid

Q65. Which one is the heaviest flying bird in the World? – Dalmatian Pelican

Q66. Fennec fox or Desert fox is found in……… – Sahara Desert

Q67. How many humps in the back of Bactrian camel have? – Two

Q68. Koalas are only found in the country……….– Australia

Q69. In which continent, piranhas are found? – South America

Q70. Rocky Mountain goat found only in……….. – North America

Q71. Which one is the largest carnivorous animal in the world? – Southern elephant seal

Q72. How many chambers does a cow’s stomach have? – Four

Q73. Which one is the largest chamber of stomach a ruminant animal? – Rumen

Q74. Which animal has the longest tail? – Giraffe

Q75. How many parts of a Butterfly life cycle have? – 4

Q76. Which fish can swim with fastest speed in seas or oceans? – Sailfish

Q77. Which animal take breathes through skin? – Frog

Q78. The camel’s hump is composed of ________ tissue – Adipose

Q79. Which one is world’s tallest flying bird? – Sarus crane

Q80. The only snake that builds a nest is……….. – King Cobra

Q81. The tusks of an Elephant are modified ________ – Second Incisors

Q82. Which one of these animals is jawless? – Myxine

Q83. Which one of these sea creatures changes its colour? – Octopus

Q84. Which animal do not make any sound? – Giraffe

Q85. The bird which lays more than 100 eggs in one nest is………. – Ostrich

Q86. Which animal can create the loudest sound among any living creature? – Humpback Whales

Q87. Name the bird that migrates from the North Pole to the South Pole and back? – Arctic tern

Q88. Name the only animal that dislikes white colour? – Tiger

Q89. What animal has the worst memory? – Elephant

Q90. What animal has the longest memory? – Dolphin

Q91. The fish that can taste with its whole body is the………… – Catfish

Q92. How much water can be used by a camel in drinking in a single time? – Up to 100 ltrs

Q93. What is the largest seabird? – Albatross

Q94. Which bird can turn head around to look backward? – Owl

Q95. The fastest moving insect in the world is the………….– Tropical cockroach

Q96. The country in which Yak is found……………. – Tibet

Q97. What is the maximum running land speed of Crocodile? – 17 Kmpl

Q98. How many legs does a butterfly have? – 6

Q99. The only fish that makes nest is the………..– Stickle back

Q100. What is the fastest of all the birds? – Swift

Q101. How many hearts does an octopus have? – 3

Q102. An earthworm breathe with the help of………… – Skin

Q103. The fastest moving land snake in the world is the………… – Black Mamba

Q104. What Animals are Warm Blooded? – Birds

Q105. The smallest dog on earth is the………… – Chihuahua

Q107. What time of year do squirrels build nests? – Summer

Q108. What animal has the shortest gestation period? – Opossum

Q109. What color is a giraffe’s tongue? – Purple

Q110. Number of alary muscles in Cockroach……….. – 12 pairs

Q111. How long can a beaver hold its breath? – 15 min

Q112. Number of chambers in reptile’s heart………. – 3

Q113. Cattle quickly swallow grass and store it in their __________. – Rumen

Q114. Male mosquitoes take their food from…………. – sap of plants

Q115. The blood color of octopus is………… – Blue

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