WHY do men and women hear sounds differently?
Women hear high-pitched sounds better than men.
They are also better at recognizing changes in tone than men and therefore know exactly when men are lying
Men, on the other hand, specialize in wildlife sounds and hear perfectly well where the sound is coming from. If a woman is the first to hear a kitten’s meow, it is the man who will indicate where to look for it.
WHY is soap easier to wash off with warm water?
In warm water, molecules are more mobile and more active in interacting with soap molecules, pulling them off the skin and converting them into water-suspended droplets.
In this form, detergents are easily removed from the surface along with pollutants inside these “droplets”.
WHY do human eyes move in sync?
The coordinated movement of the eyes allows us to build a three-dimensional image of an object and accurately estimate the distance to it.
But some sedentary animals (chameleons, seahorses) have eyes that can move independently of one another.
WHY is a dog’s nose wet and cold?
Interestingly, in this condition, the dog can smell better. In dogs, mucus covers not only the inside but also the outside of the sense of smell. This secret is produced by glands in the lining of the nose and serves as a sort of filter through which the animal analyzes smells.
Its moist nose allows it to detect even the slightest fluctuations in the air and their direction. It also has a keen sense of smell that allows it to not only pick up odors but also to separate them from each other.