1. INTRANSIGENT (ADJECTIVE):(हठी): uncompromising
Synonyms: inflexible, unbending
Antonyms: compliant
Example Sentence:
Her father had tried persuasion, but she was intransigent.
2. CUTTING-EDGE (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक उन्नत): highly advanced
Synonyms: innovative, pioneering
Antonyms: outdated
Example Sentence:
The firm introduced some cutting-edge technology.
3. ANGST (NOUN): (उत्कंठा): anxiety
Synonyms: fear, dread
Antonyms: calmness
Example Sentence:
The middle classes go through existential angst.
4. ACCREDIT (VERB): (मान्य करना): recognize
Synonyms: license, authorize
Antonyms: ban
Example Sentence:
Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training.
5. INDIGENOUS (NOUN): (स्वदेशी): native
Synonyms: aboriginal, local
Antonyms: expatriate
Example Sentence:
The most indigenous inhabitants were the American Indians.
Antonyms: seemly
Example Sentence:
The magazine published scandalous pictures of the movie star.
7. ACQUIT (VERB): (बरी करना): absolve
Synonyms: clear, exonerate
Antonyms: convict
Example Sentence:
One was brought to trial on a charge of affray and was acquitted.
8. RETROGADE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतिगामी): regressive
Synonyms: negative, downhill
Antonyms: positive
Example Sentence:
To go back on the progress that has been made would be a retrograde step.
9. PERSEVERANCE (NOUN): (दृढ़ता): persistence
Synonyms: tenacity, determination
Antonyms: irresolution
Example Sentence:
His perseverance with the technique illustrates his single-mindedness.
10. BANKRUPT (ADJECTIVE): (दिवालिया): insolvent
Synonyms: bankrupted, failed
Antonyms: solvent
Example Sentence:
His father went bankrupt and the family had to sell their home.