Soil has the following layers:
Topsoil or A-Horizon: Humus, the topmost layer, retains water, and provides shelter to organisms
B-Horizon: Middle layer, harder and more compact
C-Horizon: Rocky
Bedrock: last layer.
Soil is clayey if the proportion of fine particles is more, sandy if the proportion of big particles is more, and loamy if equal proportion of fine and big particles. Loamy soil is best for plants, sandy soil is well drained and clayey soil retains water.
Clayey soil is used for making pots, toys, and statues.
Types of Crops:
Kharif crops: Grown in the rainy season from June to September.
Rabi crops: Grown from October to march during the winter season. e.g.: wheat, rapeseed, mustard, linseed, gram, and pea.