“The Knowledge Library”

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An Initiative by: Kausik Chakraborty.

“The Knowledge Library”

Knowledge for All, without Barriers……….
An Initiative by: Kausik Chakraborty.

The Knowledge Library

Pedagogy – Child Development – Adolescent Psychology-9

216. Which of the following is the highest lev­el in the learning process according to Gagne’s hierarchy of learning?
(a) concept learning 
(b) multiple discrimination
(c) principle learning
(d) problem solving 
Answer: (d)

217. Which of the following statement is cor­rect in relation to learning 
(a) learning embraces cognitive domain only 
(b) learning embraces affective domain only 
(c) learning embraces psychomotor domain only 
(d) learning embraces cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains 
Answer: (d)

218. Enactive, iconic and symbolic these three stages in the development of the intellect was suggested by the psycholo­gist 
(a) Bruner  (c) Erickson
(b) Piaget (d) Gahon 
Answer: (a)

219. The animal involved in Skinner’s experi­ment with regard to his learning theory is 
(a) a dog (b) a cat
(c) a rat (d) chimpanzee
 Answer: (c)

220. Which learning theory advocates that the stimulus substitution is the essence in learning
(a) operant conditioning 
(b) classical conditioning
(c) field theory 
(d) discovery learning 
Answer: (b)

221. In Lewin’s idea that B = f (P.E), E repre­sents 
(a) the immediate social environment
(b) physical environment 
(c) psychological environment
(d) all the above 
Answer: (c)

222. Zone of Proximal Development is a con­cept highlighted by
(a) Bruner (b) Ausubel 
(c) Bandura (d) Vygotsky 
Answer: (d)

223. Which of the Models of Teaching listed below will you follow of promoting so­cial interaction?
(a) group investigation model 
(b) synectics mode! 
(c) jurisprudential model
(d) cognitive development model 
Answer: (a)

224. The main role of diagnostic testing its  (a) grading pupils in terms of the ability to achieve
(b) prediction of the ability to learn 
(c) immediate feedback leading to knowledge of result and remediation 
( d) evaluation of the suitability of the prescribed syllabus 
Answer: (c)

225. Who said “Intelligence is the general ability”? 
(a) Spearman (c) Ebbinghaus 
(b) Terman ( d) All the above 
Answer: (d)

226. The above equation was developed by
(a) Hull (b) Spearman
( c) Binet ( d) None of these 
Answer: (c)

227. Reinforcement is attributed to
(a) Kohler (b) Kurt Lewin 
(c) Skinner (d) Tolman 
Answer: (c)

228. lntelligence is the ability: 
(a) to learn
(b) to adjust oneself to new situations 
( c) to think in terms of ideas
( d) to do all the three above 
Answer: (d)

229. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of moti­vation maintains 
(a) our actions are determined by moti­vation 
(b) social learning theory 
( c) our actions are determined by inner forces and impulses 
( d) learned behaviour 
230. The hierarchy of learning process is as­sociated with
(a) Maslow  (c) Pavlov
(b) Gagne  (d) Bruner
Answer: (b)

231. In the Parent Teacher Association meeting, some parents point out that your pupils have complained that they do not understand topics dearly. What will be your reaction? 
(a) identify the pupils and scold them for complaining 
(b) diagnose the difficulties and attempt planned remedial measures 
( c) tell the parents that entertaining such complaints will spoil their children 
(d) persuade the teacher association to protect against such complaints 
Answer: (b)

232. They key to effective classroom disci­pline lies in 
(a) seeking the cause of misbehaviour and taking appropriate action immediately 
(b) developing close personal friend­ ships with the group leaders 
( c) making an example of the teachers to those who creates mischief in the class 
(d) providing a programme with inbuilt means for the satisfaction of pupil needs 
Answer: (d)

233. ‘Schools of thought’ needs
(a) group of people work for the well be­ing of the school
(b) school where students are directed to create new ideas 
( c) groups of people holding similar ide­as on a particular subject
( d) a cluster of schools for planning and execution of same curriculum 
Answer: (c)

234. When Peter was little, he called all big males ‘Papa’ He had to modify to change 
his concept of ‘Papa’ from ‘all adult males’ to ‘the adult male who lives in my house’ Piaget called this process of mod­ification as: 
(a) assimilation
(b) classical conditioning
( c) operant learning
( d) respondent learning 
Answer: (a)

235. Education proposed by Mahatma Gandhi
(a) Talirn (b) SUPW 
( c) Work experience ( d) Nai Talim
Answer: (d)

236. Who among the following was a natu­ralist
(a) Armstrong (b) Rousseau 
( c) Gandhiji  (d) Immanuel Kant
Answer: (b)

237. Under achievement can be minimised by 
(a) asking the student to take private tu­ition 
(b) giving punishment 
( c) grouping student along with low achievers
(d) making the classroom instruction effective and interesting
Answer: ()

238. Learning disability is related to 
(a) low listening and comprehension power
(b) poor ability of expression 
(c) poor ability of mathematical operation
(d) all of these 
Answer: (d)

239. Preetha, a standard X student is always late in the class. The class teacher decid­ 
ed to do a research to find out the rea­son. This type research is called 
(a) behavioural research
(b) theoretical research 
(c) applied research
(d) action research 
Answer: (d)

240. A teacher systematically conducts weekly class tests, assigns grades on co-curricular activities of students, asks questions to all students at the end of each class and their relative positions are recorded, grade point average of each student is calculated. This evaluation is
(a) summative evaluation 
(b) cumulative evaluation
(c) continuous and comprehensive evaluation 
(d) norm referenced evaluation
Answer: (c)

241. Project method is based on the philosophy of
(a) progressivism (b) idealism 
(c) pragmatism (d) existentialism
Answer: (c)

242. Daniel Goleman popularized 
(a) verbal intelligence
(b) spatial intelligence
(c) social intelligence 
(d) emotional intelligence
Answer: (d)

243. Scaffolding can promote learning ac­cording to
(a) cognitivism (b) behaviourism
(c) humanism (d) social constructivism 
Answer: (d)

244. Problem solving learning occurs at
(a) memory level 
(b) understanding level
(c) reflective level 
(d) knowledge level
Answer: (c)

245. A student from a very poor family is found to shirk classes quite often. What step will you take first? 
(a) call him to the teacher’s room and scold him 
(b) report the matter to the parents and ask them to take sever steps
(c) report the matter to the principal and request him to take steps
(d) have a friendly talk with the student and locate the reason 
Answer: (d)

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