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MCQ on The Vedic Era and Mahajanapadas

Q. The expansion of Magadha on Malwa Plateau was under the reign of

(a) Bimbisar

(b) Ajatashatru

(c) Shisunaga

(d) Virabhadra

Answer: (c) Shisunaga

Q. Who was the founder of Nanda dynasty in Magadha?

(a) Mahapadma Nanda

(b) Dhana Nanda

(c) Nandi Vardhan

(d) Mahanandin

Answer: (a) Mahapadma Nanda

Q. Which emperor of Magadha is known as ‘Aparoparashurama’?

(a) Bindusar

(b) Ajatashatru

(c) Kalashoka

(d) Mahapadma Nanda

Answer: (d) Mahapadma Nanda

Q. The last emperor of Nanda Dynasty was

(a) Mahapadma Nanda

(b) Dhana Nanda

(c) Kalashoka

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Dhana Nanda

Q. Alexander invaded India in ……

(a) 326 BC

(b) 326 BC

(c) 232 BC

(d) 323 AD

Answer: (a) 326 BC

Q. Which one of the following did not come to India with Alexander?

(a) Nearchcy

(b) Diamcus

(c) Onesicritus

(d) Assistobulus

Answer: (b) Diamcus

Q. Alexander the Great died in 323 BC in ……

(a) Pharus

(b) Babylon

(c) Macedonia

(d) Taxshila

Answer: (b) Babylon

Q. Name the brave Indian King whom Alexander defeated on the bank of river Jhelum?

(a) Ambhi

(b) Porus

(c) Chandragupta

(d) Mahapadma Nanda

Answer: (b) Porus

Q. The earliest evidence of the use of iron in India has been discovered from

(a) Taxila

(b) Atranjikhera

(c) Kaushambi

(d) Hastinapur

Answer: (b) Atranjikhera

Q. In the ancient period chief-livelihood of the Aryans was

(a) Agriculture

(b) Hunting

(c) Artcraft

(d) Business

Answer: (b) Hunting

Q. Nivi, Paridhan and Adhivasa were the

(a) different types of garments of the Aryans.

(b) government officials of the Aryan kings.

(c) tribal people of ancient Indians.

(d) musical instrument of ancient Indians.

Answer: (a) different types of garments of the Aryans.

Q. Who was the first European to designate Aryan as a race?

(a)William Jones

(b) HH Wilson

(c) Max Muller

(d) General Cunningham

Answer: (c) Max Muller

Q. Give the name of the tribe which is not related to the ‘Panchajana’ of the Rigveda Aryans.

(a) Yadu

(b) Puru

(c) Turvasa

(d) Kikat

Answer: (d) Kikat

Q. The term ‘Aryan’ denotes

(a) an ethnic group

(b) a nomadic people

(c) a speech group

(d) a superior race

Answer: (d) a superior race

Q. Meaning of the term ‘Arya’ in classical Sanskrit is

(a) believer of the God

(b) a hereditary cast

(c) a believer in particular religion

(d) a Noble man

Answer: (d) a Noble man

Q. Which of the following inscriptions tells about the Aryan’s movement of Aryan from Iran to India?

(a) Mansehra

(b) Shahbajgarhi

(c) Boghaz-Koi

(d) Junagarh

Answer: (c) Boghaz-Koi

Q. Who among the following wrote on the original homeland of the Aryans?

(a) Sankaracharya

(b) Annie Besant

(c) Vivekanand

(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Answer: (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Q. Which of the following Vedas is not a part of Vedatrayi?

(a) Rigveda

(b) Yajurveda

(c) Samaveda

(d) Atharvaveda

Answer: (d) Atharvaveda

Q. ‘Trayi’ is a name for

(a) Three Vedas

(b) Dharma, Sangha and Buddha

(c) Three Gods in Hindu Pantheon

(d) Three seasons

Answer: (a) Three Vedas

Q. In the Vedic period, the people called Panis, were

(a) those, who controlled trades

(b) cattle breeders

(c) cowheads

(d) ploughmen

Answer: (a) those, who controlled trades

Q. Which of the following rivers was known as Purushni in the Vedic Period?

(a) Ravi

(b) Sutlej

(c) Beas

(d) Chenab

Answer: (a) Ravi

Q. The Vedic river Kubha was located in

(a) Afghanistan

(b) Chinese Turkistan

(c) Kashmir

(d) Punjab

Answer: (a) Afghanistan

Q. The river most mentioned in early Vedic literature is

(a) Sindhu

(b) Sutudri

(c) Sarasvati

(d) Ganga

Answer: (a) Sindhu

Q. Vedic river Askini is identified with which one of the following rivers?

(a) Beas

(b) Ravi

(c) Chenab

(d) Jhelum

Answer: (c) Chenab

Q. Which one of the following rivers was earlier known as ‘Vitasta’?

(a) Tista

(b) Jhelum

(c) Tungabhadra

(d) Bharatpuzha

Answer: (b) Jhelum

Q. Who among the following was a Brahmavadini who composed some hymns of the Vedas?

(a) Lopamudra

(b) Gargi

(c) Leelavati

(d) Savitri

Answer: (a) Lopamudra

Q. Which hymns of the Rigveda are considered to contain the rudiments of the Indian drama?

(a) Vivaha-sukta

(b) Apri-sukta

(c) Samaveda-sukta

(d) Purusha-sukta

Answer: (c) Samaveda-sukta

Q. Which one of the following Brahmana texts belongs to the Rigveda?

(a) Aitareya Brahmana

(b) Gopatha Brahmana

(c) Shatapatha Brahmana

(d) Taittiriya Brahmana

Answer: (a) Aitareya Brahmana

Q. Rigveda consist of ritual.………hymns.

(a) 1028

(b) 1017

(c) 1128

(d) 1020

Answer: (a) 1028

Q. ‘Rigveda’ was originally composed in which one of the following languages?

(a) Pali

(b) Sanskrit

(c) Prakrit

(d) Brahmi

Answer: (b) Sanskrit

Q. Which one of the following is oldest Veda?

(a) Yajurveda

(b) Rigveda

(c) Samaveda

(d) Atharvaveda

Answer: (b) Rigveda

Q. ‘Gopatha Brahmana’ is associated with

(a) Yajurveda

(b) Samaveda

(c) Atharvaveda

(d) Rigveda

Answer: (c) Atharvaveda

Q.The ninth mandala of the Rigveda Samhita is devoted wholly to

(a) Indra and his elephant

(b) Urvashi and the Heaven

(c) Gods related to plants and drugs

(d) ‘Soma’ and the God who is named after the drink

Answer: (d) ‘Soma’ and the God who is named after the drink

Q. In the Rigveda period, people believed mainly in

(a) Idol worship

(b) One God Belief

(c) Goddess worship

(d) Sacrifice and rituals

Answer: (d) Sacrifice and rituals

Q. Gayatri Mantra is found in which book?

(a) Upanishad

(b) Bhagavad Gita

(c) Rigveda

(d) Yajurveda

Answer: (c) Rigveda

Q. Who composed the Gayatri Mantra?

(a) Vasishtha

(b) Vishwamitra

(c) Indra

(d) Parikshit

Answer: (b) Vishwamitra

Q. The ‘Mantra’ famous with the name of ‘Gayatri Mantra’ found in which of the following scriptures?

(a) Bhagavad Gita

(b) Atharvaveda

(c) Rigveda

(d) Manusmriti

Answer: (c) Rigveda

Q. The word Gotra occurs for the first time in

(a) Atharvaveda

(b) Rigveda

(c) Samaveda

(d) Yajurveda

Answer: (b) Rigveda

Q. The largest number of the Mantras in Rigveda belongs to

(a) Agni

(b) Varuna

(c) Vishnu

(d) Yama

Answer: (a) Agni

Q. Which of the following rivers mentioned in the Rigveda gives the due to relations of Aryans with the Afghanistan?

(a) Askini

(b) Parushni

(c) Kubha, Kramu

(d) Vipasha, Shutudri

Answer: (c) Kubha, Kramu

Q. In the early Rigvedic period, what was considered to be the most valuable property?

(a) Land

(b) Cow

(c) Women

(d) Water

Answer: (b) Cow

Q. The name ‘Aghanya’ mentioned in many passages of the Rigveda refers to

(a) priests

(b) women

(c) cows

(d) brahmans

Answer: (c) cows

Q. In the Vedic rituals HOTA is associated with the

(a) Rigveda

(b) Yajurveda

(c) Samaveda

(d) Atharvaveda

Answer: (a) Rigveda

Q. Fundamental or basic script of the ‘Rigveda’ was

(a) Devanagari

(b) Kharosthi

(c) Pali

(d) Brahmi

Answer: (d) Brahmi

Q. Rights and Rituals related to Yajnas are mentioned in

(a) Rigveda

(b) Samaveda

(c) Brahmin Granth

(d) Yajurveda

Answer: (a) Rigveda

Q. ‘Nachiketa’ Legend finds mention in

(a) Atharvaveda

(b) Satapatha Brahmin

(c) Kathopanishad

(d) Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Answer: (c) Kathopanishad

Q. The famous dialogue between Nachiketa and Yama is mentioned in the

(a) Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

(b) Chhandogyopanishad

(c) Kathopanishad

(d) Kenopanishd

Answer: (c) Kathopanishad

Q. ‘Satyamev Jayate’ which is engraved on the Indian Emblem has been taken from

(a) Rigveda

(b) Bhagavad Gita

(c) Mundakopanishad

(d) Matsya Purana

Answer: (c) Mundakopanishad

Q. The legend of Satyakam Jabal, which challenges the stigma of being an unmarried mother, is mentioned in

(a) Jabal Upanishad

(b) Prashnophishad

(c) Chhandogya Upanishad

(d) Kathopanishad

Answer: (c) Chhandogya Upanishad

Q. Panini, the first Grammarian of Sanskrit language in India, lived during the

(a) 2nd century BC

(b) 6th-5th century BC

(c) 2nd century AD

(d) 5th-6th century AD

Answer: (b) 6th-5th century BC

Q. Ashtadhyayi was written by

(a) Ved Vyas

(b) Panini

(c) Shukadeva

(d) Valmiki

Answer: (b) Panini

Q. The priest associated with King Videgha Madhava referred in Shatapatha Brahmin was

(a) Rishi Bharadwaj

(b) Rishi Vashistha

(c) Rishi-Vishwamitra

(d) Rishi Gautama Rahugana

Answer: (d) Rishi Gautama Rahugana

Q. The tribal assembly normally involved in the election of the king was

(a) Sabha

(b) Samiti

(c) Gana

(d) Vidhata

Answer: (b) Samiti

Q. The famous battle of ‘Ten Kings’ as described in the Rigveda was fought on the bank of

(a) Parushni

(b) Sarasvati

(c) Vipasa

(d) Asikni

Answer: (a) Parushni

Q. The System of Governance prevalent in the Vedic era was 

(a) Autocratic

(b) Democratic

(c) Republic

(d) Descended monarchy

Answer: (d) Descended monarchy

Q. The battle of Mahabharata is believed to have been fought at Kurukshetra for

(a) 14 days

(b) 16 days

(c) 18 days

(d) 20 days

Answer: (c) 18 days

Q. Sabha of Vedic-era

(a) was an institution of mercantile people of the villages

(b) was a royal court

(c) was a council of ministers

(d) form National Assembly of all the people of the state.

Answer: (c) was a council of ministers

Q. What were the two assemblies during the Early Vedic period?

(a) Samiti

(b) Sabha

(c) Samiti and Sangam

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Answer: (d) Both (a) and (b)

Q. The Rigvedic tribal assembly associated with Judicial function was

(a) sabha

(b) samiti

(c) vidatha

(d) All of these

Answer: (a) sabha

Q. The word ‘Gotra’ occurs for the first time in

(a) Rigveda

(b) Samaveda

(c) Yajurveda

(d) Atharvaveda

Answer: (a) Rigveda

Q. The staple food of the Vedic Aryan was

(a) barley and rice

(b) milk and its products

(c) rice and pulses

(d) vegetables and fruits

Answer: (a) barley and rice

Q. Who among the following wrote Sanskrit Grammar?

(a) Kalidas

(b) Charak

(c) Panini

(d) Aryabhatt

Answer: (c) Panini

Q. The ‘Manusmriti’ mainly deals with

(a) social order

(b) laws

(c) economics

(d) state-craft

Answer: (b) laws

Q. The Purushasukta, which refers to the origin of caste, is found in the

(a) Atharvaveda

(b) Rigveda

(c) Samaveda

(d) Yajurveda

Answer: (b) Rigveda

Q. The teacher who taught ‘Ved-Vedanga’ for livelihood, was called

(a) Acharya

(b) Adhvaryu

(c) Upadhyaya

(d) Purohita

Answer: (c) Upadhyaya

Q. During the Rigvedic Period word ‘Nishka’ was used for a Jewellery but in later period it was used for the meaning of

(a) Arms

(b) Farming equipment

(c) Script

(d) Coin

Answer: (d) Coin

Q. The name of scripture in which ‘Purusha Megha’ was mentioned in

(a) Krishna Yajurveda

(b) Shukla Yajurveda

(c) Shatpath Brahmin

(d) Panchvish Brahmin

Answer: (c) Shatpath Brahmin

Q. During the Rig Vedic period Nishka was an ornament of

(a) ear

(b) neck

(c) arm

(d) wrist

Answer: (b) neck

Q. ‘Nishka’ in ancient India was known as

(a) Gold ornament

(b) Cows

(c) Copper Coins

(d) Silver Coins

Answer: (a) Gold ornament

Q. In which Vedic text the term ‘Varna’ is found referred for the first time?

(a) Rigveda

(b) Atharvaveda

(c) Samaveda

(d) Yajurveda

Answer: (a) Rigveda

Q. In which phase, the concept of untouchability was put clearly?

(a) Rigvedic phase

(b) Later Vedic phase

(c) Later Gupta phase

(d) Dharmashastra phase

Answer: (b) Later Vedic phase

Q. In the 10th Mandala of the Rigveda, which one of the following hymns reflects upon the marriage ceremonies?

(a) Surya Sukta

(b) Purusha Sukta

(c) Dana Sutra

(d) Uma Sutra

Answer: (b) Purusha Sukta

Q. The word ‘Yava’ mentioned in Rigveda is used for which agricultural product?

(a) Barley

(b) Gram

(c) Rice

(d) Wheat

Answer: (a) Barley

Q. The Rigvedic ‘Pani’ belong to which class of citizens?

(a) Priests

(b) Ironsmiths

(c) Goldsmiths

(d) Traders

Answer: (d) Traders

Q. Which metal was used by people of Rig Vedic age?

(a) Silver

(b) Gold

(c) Iron

(d) Copper

Answer: (d) Copper

Q. The religion of early Vedic Aryans was primarily of

(a) bhakti

(b) image worship and yajnas

(c) worship of nature and yajnas

(d) worship of nature and bhakti

Answer: (c) worship of nature and yajnas

Q. The God who is the most prominent in ‘Rigveda’ is

(a) Indra

(b) Agni

(c) Pasupati

(d) Vishnu

Answer: (a) Indra

Q. The Rigvedic God Varuna was

(a) harbinger of peace

(b) destroyer of foes

(c) guardian of the cosmic order

(d) God of prosperity

Answer: (c) guardian of the cosmic order

Q. Which one of the following Vedic God/Goddess depicts an association with the Sun?

(a) Ashvin

(b) Pusan

(c) Indra

(d) Aranyani

Answer: (a) Ashvin

Q. Which Mandala of Rigveda is completely dedicated to ‘Soma’?

(a) Seventh Mandala

(b) Eight Mandala

(c) Ninth Mandala

(d) Tenth Mandala

Answer: (c) Ninth Mandala

Q. Who among the following Vedic deities was believed to be their priest?

(a) Agni

(b) Brihaspati

(c) Dyaus

(d) Indra

Answer: (b) Brihaspati

Q. Rigvedic religion was

(a) Polytheistic

(b) Monotheistic

(c) Monistic

(d) Libertarian

Answer: (a) Polytheistic

Q. Who among the following is regarded as War-God in the Rigveda?

(a) Agni

(b) Indra

(c) Surya

(d) Varuna

Answer: (b) Indra

Q. The largest number of Rigvedic hymns are devoted to

(a) Agni

(b) Indra

(c) Rudra

(d) Vishnu

Answer: (b) Indra

Q. Who among the following was the most popular God of the early Vedic Aryans?

(a) Varuna

(b) Vishnu

(c) Rudra

(d) Indra

Answer: (d) Indra

Q. An inscription of 14th century BC, which describes the Vedic Gods has been found in

(a) Ecbatana

(b) Boghaz-Koi

(c) Babylon

(d) Bisotun

Answer: (b) Boghaz-Koi

Q. Originally the Mahabharata was known as

(a) Brihatkatha

(b) Brahmins

(c) Brihatsamhita

(d) Jayasamhita

Answer: (d) Jayasamhita

Q. The period of Post Rigvedic period is

(a) 15000 BC-1000 BC

(b) 1000 BC-600 BC

(c) 600BC-600AD

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) 1000 BC-600 BC

Q. Which among the following is considered as the centre of Aryan civilisation during post-Vedic Period?

(a) Anga, Magadha

(b) Kosal, Videh

(c) Kuru, Panchal

(d) Matsya, Surasena

Answer: (b) Kosal, Videh

Q. ‘Gotra’ System came into existance since

(a) Rigvedic Period

(b) Post Vedic Period

(c) Mahakavya Period

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Post Vedic Period

Q. The post-Vedic period tax was collected by king from people was called

(a) Bali

(b) Varman

(c) Vidath

(d) Tax

Answer: (a) Bali

Q. Which words has been used in business system during post-Vedic period?

(a) Great

(b) Kusid

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Kusid

Q. Which of the following handicrafts was not in used by Aryans?

(a) Pottery

(b) Jewellary

(c) Carpenter

(d) Blacksmith

Answer: (d) Blacksmith

Q. Judgement was advertised by

(a) Chusvak

(b) Gautam

(c) Kapil

(d) Jamini

Answer: (b) Gautam

Q. Combination of three Vedas has been called ‘

(a) Rigveda, Yajurveda

(b) Rigveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda

(c) Rigveda, Samaveda and Yajurveda

(d) Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda

Answer: (c) Rigveda, Samaveda and Yajurveda

Q. Where was the seat of the first Republic of the world in 6th century BC?

(a) Vaishali

(b) Athens

(c) Sparta

(d) Patliputra

Answer: (a) Vaishali

Q. By whom the first republic of the world was established in Vaishali?

(a) Maurya

(b) Nand

(c) Gupta

(d) Licchavi

Answer: (d) Licchavi

Q. By which ruler Pataliputra was chosen for the first time as a capital?

(a) Ajatashatru

(b) Kalashoka

(c) Udayin

(d) Kanishka

Answer: (c) Udayin

Q. Which kingdom covered the modern Patna and Gaya districts of Bihar?

(a) Anga

(b) Kosala

(c) Magadha

(d) Avanti

Answer: (c) Magadha

Q. In the context of ancient Indian society which one of the following terms does not belong to the category of the other three?

(a) Kula

(b) Vamsha

(c) Kosa

(d) Gotra

Answer: (c) Kosa

Q. King Asvapati of the Upanishadic period was the ruler of

(a) Kashi

(b) Kekaya

(c) Panchala

(d) Videha

Answer: (b) Kekaya

Q. Chand Pradyot was ruler of which ancient republic?

(a) Kasi

(b) Anga

(c) Avanti

(d) Vajji

Answer: (c) Avanti

Q. Mahajanapada situated on the bank of river Godavari was

(a) Avanti

(b) Vatsa

(c) Asmaka

(d) Kamboja

Answer: c

Q. The list of sixteen Mahajanapadas is available in

(a) Mahabharat

(b) Anguttar Nikaya

(c) Chhandogya Upanishad

(d) Samyukta Nikaya

Answer: (b) Anguttar Nikaya

Q. During the period of 16 Mahajanapadas, Mathura was the capital of

(a) Vajji

(b) Vatsa

(c) Kasi

(d) Surasena

Answer: (d) Surasena

Q. The capital of North Panchal, according to Mahabharata was located at

(a) Hastinapur

(b) Indraprastha

(c) Ahichatra

(d) Mathura

Answer: (c) Ahichatra

Q. In the sixth century BC Suktimati was the capital of

(a) Panchala

(b) Kuru

(c) Chedi

(d) Avanti

Answer: (c) Chedi

Q. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

(a) Anga – Champa

(b) Kosala – Ahichatra

(c) Vatsa – Kaushambi

(d) Matsya – Viratnagar

Answer: (b) Kosala – Ahichatra

Q. Which was the first capital of Magadha?

(a) Pataliputra

(b) Vaishali

(c) Girivarja (Rajgriha)

(d) Champa

Answer: (c) Girivarja (Rajgriha)

Q. Who founded Pataliputra?[

(a) Udayin

(b) Ashoka

(c) Bimbisara

(d) Mahapadmananda

Answer: (a) Udayin

Q. In ancient India, the earliest capital of Magadha kingdom was at

(a) Pataliputra

(b) Rajgir

(c) Vaishali

(d) Varanasi

Answer: (b) Rajgir

Q. Which one of the following rulers of Magadha was the contemporary of Alexander the great?

(a) Mahapadma Nanda

(b) Dhana Nanda

(c) Sukalp

(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Answer: (b) Dhana Nanda

Q. First ruler of Magadha from the Haryanka Dynasty was ………

(a) Ashoka

(b) Prasenajit

(c) Bimbisara

(d) Ajatashatru

Answer: (c) Bimbisara

Q. What was the name of the dynasty of Ajatashatru?

(a) Maurya

(b) Haryanka

(c) Nanda

(d) Gupta

Answer: (b) Haryanka

Q. Which early ruler of Magadha murdered his father to ascend the throne and, in turn, was murdered by his own son?

(a) Bimbisara

(b) Ajatashatru

(c) Udayan

(d) Nagadashak

Answer: (b) Ajatashatru

Q. Which Magadha ruler was known as ‘Seniya’?

(a) Bimbisara

(b) Ajatashatru

(c) Mahapadma Nanda

(d) Chandragupta Maurya

Answer: (a) Bimbisara

Q. Jivaka, the famous physician of the time of Mahatma Buddha, was associated with the court of

(a) Bimbisara

(b) Chanda Pradyota

(c) Prasenjit

(d) Udyana

Answer: (a) Bimbisara


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