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Human Health and Diseases: MCQ Questions & Answers

(a) P. vivax

(b) P. malariae

(c) P. ovale

(d) P. falciparum

Correct Answer: (d) P. falciparum

(a) ss RNA

(b) ds RNA

(c) ss DNA

(d) ds DNA

Correct Answer: (a) ss RNA

(a) For allergy

(b) As immunosuppressant

(c) Prophylactic for virus

(d) None of the above

Correct Answer: (b) As immunosuppressant

(a) IgM

(b) IgA

(c) IgE

(d) IgM & IgG

Correct Answer: (c) IgE

(a) nepenthes

(b) anopheles

(c) dragonfly

(d) house-fly

Correct Answer: (b) anopheles

(a) antigen

(b) antibody

(c) interferon

(d) antibiotic

Correct Answer: (c) interferon

(a) Plasmodium vivax

(b) Plasmodium falciparum

(c) Plasmodium malariae

(d) Plasmodium ovale

Correct Answer: (c) Plasmodium malariae

(a) IgM

(b) IgD

(c) IgE

(d) IgA

Correct Answer: (d) IgA

(a) lowers body temperature

(b) kills harmful bacteria

(c) triggers the immune system

(d) is used as an antidote to the poison

Correct Answer: (c) triggers the immune system

(a) IgG

(b) IgM

(c) IgA

(d) IgE

Correct Answer: (b) IgM

(a) Opium

(b) Alcohol

(c) Tobacco (Chewing)

(d) Cocaine

Correct Answer: (b) Alcohol

(a) artificially acquired active immunity

(b) artificially acquired passive immunity

(c) naturally acquired passive immunity

(d) specific natural immunity

Correct Answer: (b) artificially acquired passive immunity

(a) enlarged prostate gland

(b) gall bladder stones by breaking them

(c) certain types of cancer

(d) kidney stones

Correct Answer: (c) certain types of cancer

(a) Amphetamine

(b) Marijuana

(c) Pethidine

(d) Valium

Correct Answer: (d) Valium

(a) Antianxiety

(b) Analgesic

(c) Hypnotic

(d) Antihistamine

Correct Answer: (b) Analgesic

(a) Cocaine

(b) Barbiturate

(c) Benzodiazepine

(d) Insulin

Correct Answer: (a) Cocaine

(a) Oryza sativa

(b) Coffea arabica

(c) Thea Sinensis

(d) Papaver somniferum

Correct Answer: (d) Papaver somniferum

(a) Myasthenia gravis

(b) Osteoporosis

(c) Muscular dystrophy

(d) Gout

Correct Answer: (a) Myasthenia gravis

(a) PCR


(c) rDNA technology

(d) RNA

Correct Answer: (b) ELISA

(a) caused by a virus

(b) caused by a Gram-positive bacterium

(c) caused by a Gram-negative bacterium

(d) not an infectious disease

Correct Answer: (a) caused by a virus

(a) Leukemia

(b) Thalassemia

(c) Sickle cell anaemia

(d) Pernicious anaemia

Correct Answer: (c) Sickle cell anaemia

(a) Q fever

(b) Leprosy

(c) Whooping cough

(d) Gonorrhoea

Correct Answer: (d) Gonorrhoea

(a) Both dengue and yellow fever

(b) Dengue fever

(c) Yellow fever

(d) Japanese encephalitis

Correct Answer: (a) Both dengue and yellow fever

(a) treated bacteria or viruses or one of their proteins

(b) MHC (major histocompatibility complex) proteins

(c) curative medicines

(d) monoclonal antibodies

Correct Answer: (a) treated bacteria or viruses or their proteins

(a) Lipoproteins

(b) Immuglobulins

(c) Interferons

(d) Antitoxins

Correct Answer: (c) Interferons

(a) Epithelium of the urogenital tract

(b) Tears

(c) Monocytes

(d) Skin

Correct Answer: (d) Skin

(a) Cytokine barriers

(b) Cellular barriers

(c) Physiological barriers

(d) Physical barriers

Correct Answer: (c) Physiological barriers

(a) Thalamus

(b) Tonsil

(c) Thymus

(d) Thyroid

Correct Answer: (c) Thymus

(a) Common cold, AIDS

(b) Dysentery, common cold

(c) Typhoid, tuberculosis

(d) Ringworm, AIDS

Correct Answer: (a) Common cold, AIDS

(a) Hepatitis – B

(b) AIDS

(c) Amoebiosis

(d) Malaria

Correct Answer: (a) Hepatitis – B

(a) humoral immunity

(b) autoimmune disorders

(c) graft rejection

(d) cell-mediated immunity

Correct Answer: (a) humoral immunity

(a) narcotic

(b) stimulant

(c) hallucinogen

(d) sedative

Correct Answer: (c) hallucinogen

(a) Leguminosae

(b) Papaveraceae

(c) Liliaceae

(d) Solanaceae

Correct Answer: (b) Papaveraceae

(a) LSD

(b) Hashish

(c) Heroin

(d) Barbiturates

Correct Answer: (c) Heroin

(a) has to detoxify the alcohol

(b) stores excess glycogen

(c) is overstimulated to secrete more bile

(d) accumulates an excess of fat

Correct Answer: (a) has to detoxify the alcohol

(a) epilepsy

(b) neurosis

(c) psychosis

(d) gastritis

Correct Answer: (d) gastritis

(a) pathogens

(b) vectors

(c) insects

(d) worms

Correct Answer: (a) pathogens

(a) ELISA test

(b) ESR test

(c) PCR test

(d) Widal test

Correct Answer: (d) Widal test

(a) liver of human

(b) RBCs of mosquito

(c) salivary glands of the mosquito

(d) intestine of human

Correct Answer: (c) salivary glands of the mosquito

(a) house flies

(b) Aedes mosquitoes

(c) cockroach

(d) female Anopheles

Correct Answer: (b) Aedes mosquitoes

(a) structural genes

(b) expressor genes

(c) oncogenes

(d) regulatory genes

Correct Answer: (c) oncogenes

(a) metagenesis

(b) metastasis

(c) teratogenesis

(d) mitosis

Correct Answer: (b) metastasis

(a) component of blood

(b) secretion of mammalian erythrocyte

(c) molecule that specifically inactivates

(d) White corpuscle

Correct Answer: (c) molecule that specifically inactivates

(a) Leukemia

(b) Lymphoma

(c) Sarcoma

(d) Hybridoma

Correct Answer: (a) Leukemia

(a) eating fruits preserved in tin containers

(b) inhalation of seasonal pollen

(c) low temperature

(d) hot and humid environment

Correct Answer: (b) inhalation of seasonal pollen

(a) Anthrax

(b) Malaria

(c) Measles

(d) Tetanus

Correct Answer: (c) Measles

(a) Aspergillus niger

(b) Monascus purpureus

(c) Penicillium notatum

(d) Trichoderma polysporum

Correct Answer: (d) Trichoderma polysporum

(a) Goitre

(b) Hay fever

(c) Skin cancer

(d) Rheumatic fever

Correct Answer: (b) Hay fever

(a) virus

(b) bacteria

(c) alga

(d) fungus

Correct Answer: (a) virus

(a) Carcinoma

(b) Sarcoma

(c) Lymphoma

(d) Leukemia

Correct Answer: (c) Lymphoma

(a) Entamoeba histolytica

(b) Taenia solium

(c) Plasmodium vivax

(d) E. coli

Correct Answer: (a) Entamoeba histolytica

(a) antigen

(b) histones

(c) histamines

(d) antibodies

Correct Answer: (c) histamines

(a) histamine and dopamine

(b) histamine and kinins

(c) interferons and opsonin

(d) interferons and histones

Correct Answer: (b) histamine and kinins

(a) mast cells

(b) collagen fibres

(c) macrophages

(d) sustentacular cells

Correct Answer: (a) mast cells

(a) Isoniazid

(b) R-aminosalicylic acid

(c) Streptomycin

(d) Rifampicin

Correct Answer: (d) Rifampicin

(a) rapid cell division

(b) lack of nutrition

(c) fast mutation

(d) lack of oxygen

Correct Answer: (a) rapid cell division

(a) antigens

(b) plasmogens

(c) collagens

(d) cytokines

Correct Answer: (d) cytokines

(a) activates itself

(b) secretes cytokines

(c) activates B cells

(d) All of the above

Correct Answer: (d) All of the above

(a) active immunity

(b) passive immunity

(c) autoimmunity

(d) anti-immunity

Correct Answer: (b) passive immunity

(a) liver of man

(b) RBCs of man

(c) stomach wall of a mosquito

(d) salivary glands of a mosquito

Correct Answer: (d) salivary glands of a mosquito


(b) MRI

(c) Ultrasound

(d) Widal test

Correct Answer: (a) ELISA

(a) Taenia, a tapeworm

(b) Wuchereria, a filarial worm

(c) Rhizopus, a mould

(d) Ascaris, a roundworm

Correct Answer: (c) Rhizopus, a mould

(a) serotonin

(b) colostrum

(c) interferon

(d) histamine

Correct Answer: (c) interferon

(a) IgG type

(b) IgA type

(c) IgD type

(d) IgE type

Correct Answer: (b) IgA type

(a) nicotine

(b) tannic acid

(c) curaimin

(d) catechine

Correct Answer: (a) nicotine

(a) antigens

(b) antigen-antibody complexes

(c) antibodies

(d) enzymes

Correct Answer: (c) antibodies

(a) all lymphocytes

(b) activator B cells

(c) cytotoxic T cells

(d) T4 lymphocytes

Correct Answer: (d) T4 lymphocytes

(a) active immunity

(b) passive immunity

(c) innate immunity

(d) acquired immunity

Correct Answer: (a) active immunity

(a) spleen

(b) bone marrow

(c) thymus

(d) lymph nodes

Correct Answer: (b) bone marrow

(a) borrowed from an active disease case

(b) developed in direct response to a disease agent

(c) the product of borrowed antibodies

(d) passive immunity that is activated

Correct Answer: (b) developed in direct response to a disease agent

(a) Spleen

(b) Tonsils

(c) Appendix

(d) Thymus

Correct Answer: (c) Appendix

(a) Pineal

(b) Pituitary

(c) Thymus

(d) Thyroid

Correct Answer: (c) Thymus

(a) precursor of haemoglobin

(b) toxin from streptococcus

(c) toxin from Plasmodium species

(d) toxin from Haemophilus species

Correct Answer: (c) toxin from Plasmodium species

(a) Microsporum

(b) Trichophyton

(c) Epidermophyton

(d) Macrosporum

Correct Answer: (d) Macrosporum

(a) more prone to malaria

(b) more prone to typhoid

(c) less prone to malaria

(d) less prone to typhoid

Correct Answer: (c) less prone to malaria

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