- How many planets do we have in solar system? Ans: 8
- Where do we find zebra crossing? Ans: Roads
- What is the shape of a piece of pizza? Ans: Triangle
- Which fruit comes in bunch? Ans: Grapes
- Which is the largest land animal? Ans: Elephant
- Which is the tallest animal? Ans: Giraffe
- Which bird can run very fast? Ans: Ostrich
- Which bird has beautiful feathers? Ans: Peacock
- Which star shines during the day? Ans: Sun
- Name a season in which leaves fall from trees? Ans: Autumn
- Which flower faces the sun? Ans: Sunflower
- A person who goes to the space is called? Ans: Astronaut
- How many days are there in fortnight? Ans: 15 days
- Which animal carries the baby in its pouch? Ans: Kangaroo
- What fuel do we fill in cars? Ans: Petrol/Diesel
- The Tadpole grows into a ________. Ans: Baby Frog
- Which tool we use to cut the paper? Ans: Scissor
- How many letters are there in the English alphabet? Ans: 26
- How many months do we have in a year? Ans: 12
- Which is the largest bird and cannot fly? Ans: Ostrich
- Which animal has long neck? Ans: Giraffe
- Which animal has a trunk? Ans: Elephant
- Which animal has a long sticky tongue? Ans: Frog
- Which animal has a hump on its back? Ans: Camel
- What is the national Animal of India? Ans: Tiger
- What is the National bird of India? Ans: Peacock
- What is the national flower of India? Ans: Lotus
- Which bird likes to eat chilies? Ans: Parrot
- Which insect makes a web? Ans: Spider
- Name the animal which sleeps for 6 months? Ans: Bear
- Where does wool come from? Ans: Sheep
- Name a sea creature with 8 legs? Ans: Octopus
- A place where lots of wild animals are kept? Ans: Zoo