2051. Srikakulam is the Capital of which dynasty?
2052. The author of “Natyasastra”?
2053. The famous Gayathri Manthram is in ….?
Rig Veda
2054. Who wrote Aryabhateeyam?
2055. “Call Him Ram, Rahim, Allah, Khuda, Hari, Govind but He is one” Who proclaimed this?
Tulsi Das
2056. The Grand Trunk Road was built by?
Sher Shah Suri
2057. Megasthenes was the ambassador of?
Seleucus Nikator
2058. The battle of Plassey (1757) was fought between….?
Robert Clive and Siraj – ud- daulah
2059.”Kuchipudi” dance form originated in?
Kuchelapuram in Andhra Pradesh
2060. Who founded the Sunga Dynasty?
Pushyamitra Sunga
2061. Patanjali lived in whose Court?
Pushya Mitra’s
2062. Who is known as “Constantine of Buddhism”?
2063. Asoka was initiated to Buddhism by whom?
2064. The last ruler of the Satavahana dynasty?
Yajnashri Satakarni
2065. The Capital of the Kanishka empire?
2066. Red Fort was built by whom?
Shah Jahan
2067. Which ruler of the Gupta Dynasty adopted the name “Maharajadhiraja”?
Chandragupta I
2068. The Allahabad Pillar inscription composed by Harisena Contain………?
Informations about Samudhragupta’s conquest
2069. Who gave Raja Ram Mohan Roy the title “Raja”?
Akbar Shah II
2070. Famous Ayurveda Physician of Gupta Age?
2071. The World famous universities “Nalanda and Taxila” belongs to ……. period?
2072. Who is popular by the names “Indian Shakespeare and Prince of Indian Poets?
2073. The government emblem of the Gupta dynasty?
2074. The Huna king Mihirakula’s Capital?
2075. Who built Shiva Temple at Tanjavur?
Raja Raja Chola
2076. Pulikeshin II was the most famous ruler of …..dynasty?
Chalukya Dynasty
2077. The last Hindu king of Delhi?
Prithviraj Chauhan
2078. Who was the founder of the Pallava Dynasty?
Simha Vishnu
2079. The Kailashnath Temple at Ellora was built by…?
Krishna I of the Rashtrakuta dynasty
2080. The pala dynasty was founded by whom?
2081. The Brihadeswara Temple at Tanjore was built by whom?
Raja Raja Chola
2082. Which ruler adopted the title “Gangaikonda Chola”?
Rajendra I of chola dynasty
2083. Who wrote Tamil Ramayana?
2084. The Hoysala dynasty (1027-1343) was founded by whom?
2085. Who wrote Raja Tarangini?
2086.The Chola ruler who founded the city of Kaveripatnam?
Karikala Chola
2087. Who wrote Budha Charitha, Sutralankar and Saundrananda?
2088. The famous Buddhist monk who propound the famous philosophy of `Madhyamika’?
2089. India’s first carbon-free state:
(a) MP (b) UP
(c) Haryana (d) HP
Answer: (d)
2090. The main language of Himachal Pradesh:
(a) Hindi (b) Dogri
(c) Punjabi (d) Bodo
Answer: (a)
2091. A spinal injury while horseback riding left this person in lifelong pain for which he wore a metal corset under his clothes. He served as the Viceroy of India. Name this person:
(a) Lord Wellesley (b) Dufferin
(c) Lord Mayo (d) Curzon
Answer: (d)
2092. The Governor-General who had begun his career as a clerk in East India Company in 1750:
(a) William Bentick (b) Warren Hastings
(c) Lord Wellesley (d) Dalhousie
Answer: (b)
2093 The Governor-General who had lost his left hand in the Napoleonic wars:
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Hardinge I
(c) William Bentick (d) Lord Canning
Answer: (b)
2094. The Governor-General who introduced Sunday as the weekly holiday for government offices:
(a) Hardinge I (b) Hastings I
(c) Dalhousie (d) Canning
Answer: (a)
2095. The Governor-General who succeeded his brother-in-law Lord Ellenborough who had been recalled:
(a) Hardinge I (b) Hardinge II
(c) Dalhousie (d) Lord Canning
Answer: (a)
2096. The Governor-General who was impeached by the British Parliament:
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Cornwallis
(c) Wellesley (d) Dalhousie
Answer: (a)
2097. The last Viceroy of India:
(a) Wavell (b) C Rajagopalachari
(c) Mountbatten (d) Wellington
Answer: (c)
2098. The Viceroy who inaugurated a new province known as the North-West Frontier:
(a) Dufferin (b) Lord Rippon
(c) Curzon (d) Hardinge II
Answer: (c)
2099. The Viceroy who undertook the restoration of the Taj Mahal:
(a) Curzon (b) Chelmsford
(c) Irwin (d) Wellington
Answer: (a)
2100. The Viceroy who was later killed by a bomb planed in his boat by the Provisional IRA at Mullaghmore, County Sligo, Ireland in 1979:
(a) Wavell (b) Irwin
(c) Wellington (d) Mountbatten
Answer: (d)
2101. The Viceroy during the Chauri Chaura incident:
(a) Hardinge II (b) Reading
(c) Wellington (d) Chelmsford
Answer: (b)
2102. Who was the Governor General during the Sepoy Mutiny?
(a) Canning (b) Dalhousie
(c) Dufferin (d) Minto I
Answer: (a)
2103. Who was the Governor-General when Pitt’s India Act was passed?
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Cornwallis
(c) Wellesley (d) Minto I
Answer: (a)
2104. Who was the Governor-General when Sati was prohibited?
(a) William Bentick (b) Charles Metcalfe
(c) Auckland (d) Hardinge I
Answer: (a)
2105. The Viceroy during the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly held on 9th December 1946?
(a) Mountbatten (b) Linlithgo
(c) Wavell (d) Irwin
Answer: (c)
2106. The Viceroy during the Mopla revolt of 1921:
(a) Reading (b) Hardinge II
(c) Wellington (d) Minto
Answer: (a)
2107. Cripp’s Mission visited India during the period of:
(a) Wavell (b) Linlithgo
(c) Wellington (d) Mountbatten
Answer: (b)
2108. He was born with a withered arm and no left hand. He was appointed Viceroy of India in 1926. Name this person:
(a) Reading (b) Irwin
(c) Linlithgo (d) Wavell
Answer: (b)
2109. Who was the Viceroy when the Indian Penal Code was brought into effect?
(a) Mayo (b) Ripon
(c) Minto (d) Canning
Answer: (d)
2110. Who was the Viceroy when King George V visited India in 1911:
(a) Curzon (b) Chelmsford
(c) Hardinge II (d) Reading
Answer: (c)
2111. Who was the Viceroy when the Prince of Wales visited India in 1921?
(a) Hardinge II (b) Reading
(c) Chelmsford (d) Wellington
Answer: (c)
2112. Who was the Viceroy when the Prince of Wales visited India in 1921?
(a) Handinge II (b) Reading
(c) Chelmsford (d) Linlithgo
Answer: (b)
2113. Who was the Viceroy when Queen Victoria passed away?
(a) Rippon (b) Dufferin
(c) Hardinge II (d) Curzon
Answer: (d)
2114. Who was the Viceroy when Queen Victoria was declared as the Empress of India in 1877?
(a) Lytton (b) Dufferin
(c) Curzon (d) Reading
Answer: (a)
2115. Who was the Viceroy when the British Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act?
(a) Mountbatten (b) Linlithgo
(c) Wellington (d) Wavell
Answer: (a)
2116. Who was the Viceroy when the Cabinet Mission visited India?
(a) Mountbatten (b) Wavell
(c) Wellington (d) Linlithgo
Answer: (b)
2117. In World War One this person was wounded in the Battle of Ypres in 1915 and lost an eye. Later he became Viceroy of India. His name is:
(a) Mountbatten (b) Wellington
(c) Curzon (d) Wavell
Answer: (d)
2118. Mountbatten stepped down from the position of
Governor-General of Independent India in:
(a) 1948 (b) 1947
(c) 1949 (d) 1950
Answer: (a)
2119. Name the Governor-General who introduced Doctrine of Lapse:
(a) Dalhousie (b) Canning
(c) Charles Metcalfe (d) Hardinge I
Answer: (a)
2120. Name the Governor-General who is called the “Maker of Modern India”:
(a) Canning (b) William Bentick
(c) Dalhousie (d) Curzon
Answer: (c)
2121. Name the Governor-General who was called ‘Akbar of British India’?
(a) Wellesley (b) Curzon
(c) William Bentick (d) Dufferin
Answer: (a)
2122. Name the person who resigned his position as Viceroy of India in August 1905 because of a difference of opinion with Lord Kitchener, the British military Commander-in-Chief in India:
(a) Minto I (b) Chelmsford
(c) Curzon (d) Dufferin
Answer: (c)
2123. Name the Viceroy who was called the “Aurangazeb of British India’?
(a) Wellesley (b) Wavell
(c) Curzon (d) Irwin
Answer: (c)
2124. The college established by the British at Ajmer was named after the Viceroy:
(a) Mayo (b) Rippon
(c) Dalhousie (d) Curzon
Answer: (a)
2125. The first Viceroy of India:
(a) Canning (b) Mayo
(c) Ripon (d) Lytton
Answer: (a)
2126. The Governor-General during the second Mysore War:
(a) Hastings I (b) Warren Hastings
(c) Cornwallis (d) Wellesley
Answer: (b)
2127. The Governor-General during the Third Mysore War:
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Cornwallis
(c) Wellesley (d) Dalhousie
Answer: (b)
2128. The Governor-General when Calcutta medical college was founded:
(a) Canning (b) Cornwallis
(c) William Bentick (d) Dalhousie
Answer: (c)
2129. The Governor-General who annexed Satara to British India, the first princely state to be annexed to British India under Doctrine of Lapse:
(a) Canning (b) Cornwallis
(c) William Bentick (d) Dalhousie
Answer: (d)
2130. The Governor-General who died at Ghazipore on the Ganges River where his grave and monument are still maintained by the Indian government:
(a) Wellesley (b) William Bentick
(c) Warren Hastings (d) Cornwallis
Answer: (d)
2131. The Viceroy during the partition of Bengal:
(a) Hardinge II (b) Minto I
(c) Curzon (d) Reading
Answer: (c)
2132. The Viceroy during the Second and Third Round Table Conference:
(a) Reading (b) Irwin
(c) Wellington (d) Linlithgo
Answer: (c)
2133. The Viceroy of India during the Delhi Durbar of 1877:
(a) Wellesley (b) Lytton
(c) Dufferin (d) Curzon
Answer: (b)
2134. The Viceroy when India got independence:
(a) Wavell (b) Mountbatten
(c) Wellington (d) Linlithgo
Answer: (b)
2135. The Viceroy when Muslim League was formed in 1906:
(a) MintoII (b) Hardinge II
(c) Chelmsford (d) Chelmsford
Answer: (a)
2136. The Viceroy when Rowlatt Act was passed?
(a) Hardinge II (b) Chelmsford
(c) Reading (d) Wellington
Answer: (b)
2137. Who was the Governor-General when the administration of British India was transferred from East India Company to the British Crown:
(a) Dalhousie (b) Mayo
(c) Dufferin (d) Canning
Answer: (d)
2138. Who was the Governor-General when the first railway line was established between Bombay and Thane?
(a) William Bentick (b) Canning
(c) Dufferin (d) Dalhousie
Answer: (d)
2139. Who was the Governor-General when the first telegraph line was established between Kolkata and Agra?
(a) Canning (b) Dufferin
(c) Dalhousie (d) William Bentick
Answer: (c)
2140. Who was the Governor-General when the Universities of Kolkata, Bombay and Madras were established?
(a) Curzon (b) Hastings
(c) Canning (d) Mayo
Answer: (c)
2141. The Viceroy when the First Round Table Conference was held in 1930?
(a) Irwin (b) Reading
(c) Chelmsford (d) Wellington
Answer: (a)
2142. The Viceroy when the partition of Bengal was repealed in 1911:
(a) Minto I (b) Hardinge II
(c) Chelmsford (d) Chelmsford
Answer: (b)
2143. The Viceroy when Vernacular Press Act was introduced?
(a) Lytton (b) Ripon
(c) Dufferin (d) Curzon
Answer: (a)
2144. The Viceroy who believed in free trade and abolished all export duties except those on rice, oil, indigo and lac:
(a) Northbrook (b) Dufferin
(c) Mayo (d) Lytton
Answer: (a)
2145. The Viceroy who announced the date of transfer of power to Indian hands:
(a) Linlithgo (b) Wellington
(c) Wavell (d) Mountbatten
Answer: (d)
2146. The Viceroy who had been the Commander in Chief of the Indian Army:
(a) Linlithgo (b) Wavell
(c) Mountbatten (d) Irwin
Answer: (b)
2147. The Viceroy who was resigned after the Afghan issue in 1876:
(a) Dufferin (b) Northbrook
(c) Curzon (d) Canning
Answer: (b)
2148. Who became Governor-General two times (1786, 95, 1805)?
(a) Warren Hastings (b) William Bentick
(c) Cornwallis (d) Hastings I
Answer: (c)
2149. Who raised a para-military force called Imperial Service Corps, which was officered by Indians and only inspected by British commanders?
(a) Curzon (b) Dufferin
(c) Mayo (d) Ripon
Answer: (b)
2150. Who repealed the Vernacular Press Act?
(a) Dufferin (b) Mayo
(c) Ripon (d) Hardinge II
Answer: (c)
2151. Who suppressed the mutiny of Wahabis:
(a) Canning (b) Mayo
(c) Elgin I (d) Dufferin
Answer: (c)
2152. Who was the first Governor General of British India?
(a) Wellesley (b) Robert Clive
(c) Warren Hastings (d) Dalhousie
Answer: (c)
2153. Who was the Governor-General when Tipu Sultan was defeated and killed in the Fourth Mysore War?
(a) Cornwallis (b) Hastings I
(c) Warren Hastings (d) Wellesley
Answer: (d)
2154. Who was the Governor-General when the Treaty of Amritsar was signed between Renjith Singh and the East India Company?
(a) Minto I (b) Lord Hastings
(c) Cornwallis (d) George Barlow
Answer: (a)
2155. Who was the Viceroy during the Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre?
(a) Wellington (b) Hardinge II
(c) Reading (d) Chelmsford
Answer: (d)
2156. Who was the Viceroy when the capital of British India was transferred from Kolkata to Delhi?
(a) Hardinge II (b) Reading
(c) Chelmsford (d) Curzon
Answer: (a)
2157. Who was the Viceroy when Criminal Procedure Code was brought into effect?
(a) Dalhousie (b) William Bentick
(c) Canning (d) Mayo
Answer: (c)
2158. Who was the Viceroy when Durant line was brought into effect?
(a) Landsdowne (b) Curzon
(c) Reading (d) Rippon
Answer: (a)
2159. Who was the Viceroy when Edward VII was declared emperor of India?
(a) Curzon (b) Rippon
(c) Hardinge II (d) Minto II
Answer: (a)
2160. Who was the Viceroy when General Election was held in all the provinces of the British India in 1937?
(a) Linlithgo (b) Irwin
(c) Wavell (d) Chelmsford
Answer: (a)
2161. Who was the Viceroy when INC launched Quit India Movement?
(a) Wavell (b) Wellington
(c) Linlithgo (d) Irwin
Answer: (c)
2162. Who was the Viceroy when Indian National Congress was formed in 1885?
(a) Dufferin (b) Reading
(c) Mayo (d) Curzon
Answer: (a)
2163. Who was the Viceroy when the first Census was held in 1872?
(a) Mayo (b) Curzon
(c) Hardinge II (d) Minto I
Answer: (a)
2164. Who was the viceroy when the first regular census was held in 1881:
(a) Ripon (b) Lytton
(c) Mayo (d) Hardinge I
Answer: (a)
2165. Who was the Viceroy when the interim government assumed power on 2nd September 1946?
(a) Irwin (b) Wellington
(c) Linlithgo (d) Wavell
Answer: (d)
2166. The first modern silk manufacturing unit was started in …….in 1832.
(a) Coimbatore (b) Hugli
(c) Mumbai (d) Howra
Answer: (d)
2167. Which is known as the Steel City of India:
(a) Durgapur (b) Jamshedpur
(c) Jaipur (d) Burnpur
2168. The year of ‘Black hole’ episode of Calcutta:
(a) 1755 (b) 1756
(c) 1757 (d) 1758
Answer: (b)
2169. What was the real name of Bahadur Shah I, who emerged victorious in the
war of succession after Aurangazeb?
(a) Muazzam (b) Salim
(c) Farid (d) Khurram
Answer: (a)
2170. India is called a tropical country mainly on account of its :
(A) Latitudinal Extent (B) Longitudinal Extent
(C) Areal Size (D) Tropical Monsoon Climate
2171.’Vivekodayam’ magazine was published by
(A) Ramakrishna Pillai (B) Pandit Karuppan
(C) V.T.Bhattathirippad (D) Kumaranasan
Answer: (D)
2172. Which river is called a river between the two mountains?
(A) Narmada (B) Ganga
(C) Godhavari (D) Sutlej
Answer: (A)
2173. Which state is called the agricultural epitome of India?
(A) West Bengal (B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Tamil Nadu (D) Madhya Pradesh
Answer: (B)
2174. Which region of India has larger female population than the male population?
(A) West Bengal (B) Mizoram
(C) Nagaland (D) Puducherry
Answer: (D)
2175.The Longest river in Peninsular India :
(A) Godavari (B) Krishna
(C) Kaveri (D) Mahanadi
Answer: (A)
2176.The largest producer of rice in India :
(C) Tamil Nadu(B) Andhra Pradesh
(A) Kerala (D) Gujarat
Answer (B)
2178.The southern most river in Kerala :
(A) Kallada (B) Karamanayar
(C) Ithikkara (D) Neyyar
Answer (D)
2179. From which Constitution India borrowed the idea of Directive Principles of State Policy ?
(A) Constitution of the U.K. (B) Constitution of the US.A.
(C) Constitution of Ireland (D) Constitution of Canada
Answer (C)
2180. Information Technology Act was enacted on
(A) 19 January 2001 (B) 30 June 2001
(C) 9 June 2000 (D) 15 July 1999
2181. Who is called as the father of Planning in India?
(a)M Visweswaraiah (b) Subhas Chandra Bose
(c) PC Mahalanobis (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
2182. Who wrote the book ‘Planned Economy for India’?
(a) PC Mahalanobis (b) M Visweswariah
(c) KC Neogi (d) John Mathai
2183. Which one of the following is not mentioned in the Constitution?
(a) Finance Commission (b) Planning Commission
(c) Election Commission (d) Attorney General
2184. Planning Commission came into existence on 15th March,……:
(a) 1947 (b) 1948
(c) 1949 (d) 1950
2185. Which of the following is not a statutory body?
(a) Finance Commission (b) Planning Commission
(c) Election Commission (d) Attorney General
2186. In which list of the Constitution ‘Economic and Social Planning’ is included?
(a) State (b) Union
(c) Concurrent (d) Unspecified in any list
2187. The Planning Commission in India was formed after :
(a) A resolution of Union Cabinet
(b) Constitutional provision
(c) Amendment of Constitution
(d) Order of Prime Minister
2188. India copied the idea of Five Year Plans from:
(a) Soviet Union (b) USA
(c) Britain (d) China
2189. Which part of the Constitution influenced the formation of Planning Commission?
(a) Fundamental Rights (b) Fundamental Duties
(c) Directive Principles (d) Emergency Provisions
2190. The ex-officio chairman of the Planning Commission is:
(a) President (b) Vice President
(c) Deputy Prime Minister (d) Prime Minister
2191. National Development Council was formed in:
(a) 1950 (b) 1951
(c) 1952 (d) 1953
2192. The chairman of the National Development Council is:
(a) Prime Minister (b) Minister for Planning
(c) President (d) Minister for Agriculture
2193. The first Five year Plan was started in:
(a) 1950 (b) 1952
(c) 1951 (d) 1953
2194. In which area priority was given in the first Five year Plan?
(a) Agriculture (b) Industries
(c) Telecommunication (d) Transport
2195. The period of the first Five Year Plan:
(a) 1950-55 (b) 1951-56
(c) 1952-57 (d) 1953-58
2196. Which five-year plan was called the Harrold Domer model?
(a) First (b) Second
(c) Third (d) Fourth
2197. The period of second Five year Plan:
(a) 1956-61 (b) 1955-60
(c) 1957-62 (d) None of these
2198. In which area priority was given in the second Five year Plan?
(a) Agriculture (b) Industries
(c) Employment generation (d) Telephone
2199. Which five-year plan was called the Mahalanobis model?
(a) First (b) Second
(c) Third (d) Fourth
2200. Annual Plans are implemented during the period:
(a) 1961-64 (b) 1962-65
(c) 1966-69 (d) 1968-71