- The number of Fundamental Rights when the Constitution was brought into force?
- The number of Fundamental Rights at present:
- Which amendment of the Constitution removed ‘the right to property from the
list of Fundamental Rights?
- In which year 44th amendment of the Constitution was passed?
- Who was the prime minister of India when the Right to property was deleted from the list of Fundamental Rights?
Morarji Desai
- The Articles of the Constitution of India dealing with Right to Equality:
14 to 18
- The Article that deals with Equality before law:
- Which Article of the Constitution is related to the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth?
- Which Article of the Constitution is relatedto ‘Equality of opportunity in matters ofpublic employment?
- Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Abolition of untouchability’?
- Which Article of the Constitution is related to ‘Abolition of titles’?
- Which Article of the Constitution is related to the protection of certain rights
regarding freedom of speech?
- Which Article of the Constitution is relatedto ‘Protection in respect of convict of
- Which Article of the Constitution is related to‘Protection of life and personal liberty?
- Which Article of the Constitution is relatedto ‘Protection against arrest and detentionin certain cases?
- Which article is related to ‘Freedom of Press’?
Article 19(1) (a
- Which Article was inserted by the 86thamendment of the Constitution to the list of Fundamental Rights?
- The president has the power to suspend the enforcement of any or all the
Fundamental Rights during emergency as per Article:
- Which Article enacts that all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion?
- Which Article is related to the ‘Right to Constitutional Remedies’?
- The Articles of the Constitution related to Directive Principles of State Policy:
36 to 51
- The makers of the Constitution borrowed the idea of Directive Principles of State Policy from the Constitution of:
- Who described Directive Principles of State Policy as a novel feature of the
Constitution of India?
BR Ambedkar
- Which enshrines the principles of a welfare state in India?
Directive Principles of State Policy
- In which part of the Constitution Directive Principles of State Policy are
- Who compared Directive Principles of State Policy to the Instrument of
Instructions in the Govt. of India Act, 1935?
BR Ambedkar
- Which part of the Constitution reflects some Gandhian ideals?
Directive Principles of State Policy
- The state shall organise village panchayats as units of self-government.
This is enshrined in Article:
- The state shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of weaker sections of people. To which Article this is related?
- Which Article states that “State shall try to promote cottage industries”?
- The Article related to the prohibition of cow slaughter:
- Which Article under Directive Principles of State Policy is related to the prohibition of intoxicating drinks and drugs?
- Which Article declares that the state shallendeavour to promote international peaceand security?
- Which Articles is related to the uniform civilcode?
- Who described ‘Directive Principles’ as acheque payable by the bank when ableonly when the resources of the bank permit?
KT Shaw
- The only state in India where a uniform civil code has been implemented:
- Which Article is related to the separationof judiciary from the executive?
- Which part of the Constitution was criticised as ‘New year resolutions which
were broken on the second January” by M Nasiruddin, one of the members of
Constituent Assembly?
Directive Principles
- Ireland copied Directive Principles from the Constitution of:
Spanish Republic
- Who made the comment that Directive Principles of State Policy expresses
Fabian Socialism without the word ‘Socialism’?
Ivor Jennings
- From which country did India adopt the ideas of Fundamental Duties?
Former USSR
- The number of Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution:
- In which Article of the Constitution Fundamental Duties are mentioned?
- Which Article of the Constitution deals with Amendment procedure?
- In how many ways the Constitution of India can be amended?
- Amendment by special majority means the bill is passed in each house by a
majority of the total membership and by a majority not less than …….. of the
members that house present and voting
Two thirds
- Amendment that needs ratification by states must be ratified by Legislatures of
not less than …… of the states.
One half
- From which country did India copy the procedure of amendment of the Constitution?
South Africa
- In which year the first Constitution Bill was passed?
- Which Schedule of the Constitution was added by the first amendment of the
- Which amendment is related to the reorganisation of states on a linguistic basis (1956)?
- Which amendment of the Constitution gave Associated State status to Sikkim?
- The largest amendment of the Constitution was:
- The 42nd Amendment was introduced after the recommendations of …..
Swaran Singh
- Which Amendment ofthe Constitution changed its characterisation from
‘The Sovereign Democratic Republic’ to ‘Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic’?
- By which Amendment the words in thepreamble of the Constitution- ‘Unity of
nation’ was changed to ‘Unity and Integrity of Nation’?
- By which amendment the life of Lok Sabha and State Assemblies was extended from 5 to 6 years?
- Fundamental Duties wereincluded in the Constitution through which
Amendment of the Constitution?
42nd Amendment?
- The Amendment of the Constitution thatrestored the life of Lok Sabha and StateAssemblies from 6 years to five years:
- Which Amendment is related to AntiDefection Law?
- The Article that was related to Right to Property:
- The first country in the world to include Directive Principles in its Constitution:
Spanish Republic
- The Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution havesimilarities with the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of:
- The number of Articles related to Fundamental Rights when the original constitution was brought into force:
- The number of Articles when the original constitution was brought into force:
- The Untouchability Offences Act was passed by the Parliament in:
- During the partition of the country, the provinces that were divided between India and Pakistan were:
Punjab and Bengal
- Fundamental Rights are suspended during:
- If a notice for a special session of Lok Sabha was given inwriting signed by not less than one-tenth of the members,the president must summon the session within ….. days.
- The Twelfth Schedule was added to the Constitution was added by…… Amendment: 74th
- Which amendment of the Constitution empowered the Parliament to amend any part of the Constitution including the preamble?
- Which Amendment provided for an authoritative text of the Constitution in Hindi? 58th
- Censure motion in Parliament should be supported by at least …… members.
- Full statehood was granted to Arunachal Pradesh by …..amendment.
- The Article of the Constitution related to the pardoning power of the President:
- The maximum number of members in the SubordinateLegislation Committee:
- The minimum age prescribed to become the Vice President of India:
- The most powerful upper house of the Legislature in the world:
American Senate
- The number of members from Lok Sabha to the Public Accounts Committee:
- The first speaker of Lok Sabha:
GV Mavlankar
- The most populatedprincely state at the time of independence:
- When a proclamation of national emergency is in force,the term of Lok Sabha can be extended by Parliament forthe first time for a period not exceeding …… at a time.
One year
- Who determines whether a bill is a money bill?
- Who was known as the ‘father of Lok Sabha’?
GV Mavlankar
- The interval between two consecutive sessions of LokSabha shall be less than …….. months.
- Who addresses the first parliament meeting after the election?
(a) Speaker (b) President
(c) Prime Minister (d) Vice President
Answer: (b)
- The Governor is generally a person from:
(a) The Parliament (b) Same state
(c) The ruling party (d) Outside the state
Answer: (d)
- A bill becomes law when it:
(a) is passed by both houses (b) is passed by Lok Sabha
(c) is passed by Rajya Sabha (d) gets the president s assent
Answer: (d)
964.The maximum age limit for election to the office of the Vice President of India:
(a) 65 (b) 75 (c) 80 (d) No limit
Answer: (d)
- Domestic Violence Act (2005) was passed for:
(a) Protection of trafficking among women
(b) Prohibit the giving and taking of dowry
(c) Protection of women from family members
(d) Protecting the rights of divorced women
Answer: (c)
- The Article in the Constitution of India provides for the appointment of a special officer for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes by the President of India:
(a) 164 (b)341
(c) 342 (d) 338
Answer: (d)
- In the original constitution the minimum votingage was fixed at:
(a) 18years (b) 21 years
(c) 25 years (d) None of the above
Answer: (b)
- Which one of the following was not included in the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution?
(a) Dr.B.R.Ambedkar (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) N Madhava Rao (d) K.M. Munshi
Answer: (b)
- Right to Education Act (RTA) has become a legally enforceable law from:
(a) Since independence (b) 1 April 2010
(c) 1st January 2010 (d) 26th January 19050
Answer: (b)
- The Government servants in India can:
(a) directly participate in politics (b) not participate in politics
(c) become MLAs (d) become members of Panchayats
Answer: (b)
- The power to control the expenditure of the Government of India rests exclusively with the:
(a) President (b) Prime Minister
(c) Parliament (d) CAG
Answer: (c)
- The provisions concerning the suspension of Fundamental Rights during emergencies was borrowedfrom the constitution of:
(a) USA (b) Canada
(c) Ireland (d) Weimar Constitution
Answer: (d)
- Which Article exempts Jammu and Kashmir from the category of ordinary states?
(a) 161 (b) 152
(c) 173 (d) 184
Answer: (b)
- The National Human Rights CommissionChairman will be:
(a) A former judge of Supreme Court
(b) A sitting judge of Supreme Court
(c) A former Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(d) A former Chief Justice of High Court
Answer: (c)
- Article 164 of the Constitution of India provides separate ministers for tribal welfare in
the states of:
(a) Rajastan,Kerala, Nagaland
(b) Orissa, Bihar, Meghalaya
(c) Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa
(d) M.P., Assam, Orissa
Answer: (c)
- The National Policy for the empowerment ofwomen was issued in the year:
(a) 1998 (b) 2000
(c) 2001 (d) 2005
Answer: (c)
- Rajya Sabha Members are elected by means of:
(a) First past the post system
(b) Functional representation
(c) Single Transferrable Vote system
(d) List system
Answer: (c)
- The position of Vice President of India generally resembles the position of the Vice
President of which of the following countries?
(a) USA (b) Canada
(c) France (d) Japan
Answer: (a)
- The power of the Rajya Sabha in dealing with money bills is:
(a) Equivalent power with Lok Sabha
(b) Only can withhold for 14days
(c) Can introduced only in Rajya Sabha
(d) Decides the bill money bill or not
Answer: (b)
- What are the objects of the Right to Information Act 2005?
(a) Openness of administration
(b) Transparency in administration
(c) Accountability in administration
(d) All of the above
Answer: (d)
- The National Commission for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe came into existence as per the amendment of the Constitution.
(a) 65th (b) 42nd (c) 66th (d) 93rd
Answer: (a)
- One of the following is not included in Writ:
(a) Mandamus (b) Certiorari
(c) Plebiscite (d) Prohibition
Answer: (c)
983.The nature of India as a secular state:
(a) Anti-religious (b) Irreligious
(c) Equal respect to all religions (d) Pro-religious
Answer: (c)
- Article 52 of the Constitution is related to:
(a) Speaker (b) Council of Ministers
(c) Prime Minister (d) President
Answer: (d)
- Judiciary in India is:
(a) Independent (b) Committed
(c) Subordinated (d) None of these
Answer: (a)
- The Parliament of India consists of:
Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, President
- The Parliament building of India was designed by:
Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker
- Lok Sabha is also known as:
House of People
- The maximum number of members that can be nominated by the president to
the Lok Sabha from Anglo Indian community:
- The total number of members of Parliament at present:
- Who presides over the Lok Sabha?
- Who presides over the joint sitting of Parliament?
Speaker of Lok Sabha
- The quorum for the meeting of either house of Parliament:
- The minimum age required to become a member of Lok Sabha:
- The tenure of members of Lok Sabha is …… years.
- As per the provisions of the Constitution the number of members of Lok
Sabha is limited as:
- The total number of nominated members in Parliament:
- The number of elected members in Lok Sabha at present:
- The members of the Union Cabinet is collectively responsible to:
Lok Sabha
- According to the Constitution the maximum limit of the number of members can be elected from States: