आंवला जूस पीने के फायदे
आंवला जूस पीने के कई फायदे हैं स्वास्थ्य लाभ: विटामिन सी का अच्छा स्रोत। इम्यून सिस्टम को मजबूत बनाता है। एंटीऑक्सीडेंट गुणों से भरपूर। हृदय
आंवला जूस पीने के कई फायदे हैं स्वास्थ्य लाभ: विटामिन सी का अच्छा स्रोत। इम्यून सिस्टम को मजबूत बनाता है। एंटीऑक्सीडेंट गुणों से भरपूर। हृदय
केवल एक चुकंदर खाएं रोजाना, शरीर में कई पौष्टिक तत्वों की कमी होगी पूरी चुकंदर का सेवन करने से एनीमिया, कब्ज, माहवारी की समस्या दूर
Information is an augmentation in knowledge. It adds to the general structure of concepts and facts that people know. Information depends on the context and
Since last two decades, there has been considerable growth in the industries around the globe. With this rapid progression, the competition in the market is
Organizations use equipment in production and testing which must be maintained or replaced on planned basis. Manufacturing industries are facing fierce competition therefore companies invest
In high-paced business climate, manufacturing and other industries focus their attention to offer good services to customers. Manufacturing, service and agriculture are the major economic
Flexibility: Flexibility entails to produce equitably priced customized products of superior quality that can be rapidly delivered to clienteles. In manufacturing system flexibility refers to the
Supply chains are vital process in managing activities of organization. It incorporates the companies and the business activities that are required to design, make, deliver,
The phrase project has broad connotation. It is achieved through sequence of activities. A project is definite task that has a definable starting and a
Waste management is multidisciplinary activities that involve in engineering principles, economic, urban and regional planning, management techniques and social sciences to minimize the overall wastivity
The make-or-buy decision is vital process in management field. It is basically action of making a tactical choice between producing an item internally (in-house) or
Production is necessary for consumer satisfaction and enhancement of firms in competitive business climate. It has been revealed in studies that production is the main
Material requirement planning is a system based approach, which organizes all necessary production material. Material Requirements Planning, abbreviated as MRP is a straightforward system to
In companies, planning processes can result in increased output, higher precision, and faster turnaround for vital business tasks. A process is described as a set
In an intricate business climate, there is a necessity for companies to become innovative in developing new products, and making product improvements. Therefore, R&D has
Facility management has evolved as rapidly developing sector since last few decades. Facilities management has a central role to support business and must be strongly
The quality concept today is vital part of business at a global level. The quality management system is intended to improve productivity and enhance customer
The notion of Six Sigma is really imperative in business arena it eliminates mistakes and errors and thus attains perfection. Six Sigma is an advance
Value analysis is significant mechanism for cost reductions and results achieved are far greater. It enhances the effectiveness of work and it is a planned
In production, line balancing is useful tool. Line-balancing strategy is to make production lines stretchy enough to absorb external and internal indiscretion. This strategy involves
E-Governance has become an essential part of any firm in globalisation process. Increasing demands of clearness in administration, rapid information transfer, more competent performance and
With the initiation of industrial insurgence, manufacturing has emerged globally. In competitive business environment companies must improve their manufacturing practice which is lean, efficient, lucrative
Inventory is the stock of any item or resource used in any company which include raw material, final products, component, parts, supplies, and work in
The statistical process control (SPC) is comprehensively used in manufacturing environments and it is an important global trend. There is wide use of statistical Process
Aggregate production planning, abbreviated as APP, is useful for operation management. It is associated with the determination of production, inventory, and personnel levels to fulfil
Capacity is defined as the ability to deliver in a definite period. Capacity refers to the skill to hold, receive, store, or accommodate. In general
Materials management is principally associated with the acquisition, control and use of materials needed and flow of goods and services connected with the production process
Operation is an important part of any business firm. Operations management focuses on managing the sources directly taking share in product manufacturing or providing a