Political Theory: Introduction, Meaning and Approaches
Concepts of Political Theory: Political theory is a set of specified relationships encompassing political matters that focus and organize inquiry to describe, explain, and predict
Concepts of Political Theory: Political theory is a set of specified relationships encompassing political matters that focus and organize inquiry to describe, explain, and predict
The emergence of Gandhi played a pivotal role in the history of Indian Nationalism. In the year 1915, Gandhi returned to India. During his initial
The British exploitation of the Indian masses for a century created hatred and animosity against them. The introduction of western education was an eye-opener for
The British had firmly established their position by the middle of the nineteenth century and a large part of India came under their direct rule.
REASONS FOR COLLAPSE (a) Neither the Hindu nor the Budhist emigration was supported by any kingdom or empire in India, clearly provingthat the expansion was
In the beginning of the first century A.D. a Hindu community existed in Funan. The oldest Hindu kingdom established in the lower valley of the
SOURCES : (1) LITERARY EVIDENCE: (A) Chinese records refer to an Indian belonging to Kaundinya gotra – corroborated by later iscriptions – some of the
1. AIHOLE near Badami with rock cut and structural temples of Western Chalukya period, is favous for the temples of Vishnu, Ladkhan and Durga. It furnish
The highly esteemed Vedas have come to down to us. They existed for nearly 2000 years before they were known in India. It was the
SCINECE & TECHNOLOGY Knowledge of science and technology, however, got linked with religionand social relations. Relying primarily on pragmatism some intellectuals in India acquired intuitive
By the opening of the Christian are the civilization of India and begun to spread across the Bay of Bengal into both island and mainland
Causes and Consequences The transmission of Indian culture of distant parts of Central Asia, China, Japan, and especially Southeast Asia is certainly one of the
The establishment of Arab rule in Sind in 712 A.D. was preceded by a number of efforts to penetrate India. The first military expedition was
“Telephone Director” is the epithet used by a Chinese scholar to summarise the nature of the history of India. To any syperficial observer this striking
Introduction to Pallavas Chalukyas etc. The history of the region south of the Vindhyas between 300 and 750 A.D. constitutes a water-shed. After the collapse
The designation later Guptas is a peculiar one as there is no evidence to show that this family was in any way connected by blood
The Maukharis are a very ancient family. Possibly they were known to paint and also to Patanjali. We have definite evidence of their ruling as
The age of Harsha was a trubulent one. Yet, the general life of people was a prosperous one. In estimating the social life of people
Harsha who ruled between 600 and 647 A.D. was viewed till recently as the last great Hindu rulers, but this assessment is no longer tenable.
The chief events of Harsha’s reign can be briefly stated. Harsha on coming to the throne set himself to bring the whole of Aryavarta under
According to Harsha-Charita, a royal line was founded by one pushyabhuti, a devout Saivite, somewhere near Thaneswar in the Ambala district of Haraya. Nothing much
The political scene in India from the decline of the Guptas until the rise of Harsha was bewildering. Large scale displacement of peoples continued for
Before the Guptas : Began with Panini – the Vakatakas and the Bharasivas (Nagas) patronized Sanskrit. The mahabashya of Patanjali was patronized by Pushyamitra Sunga
The Puranas recognize the greatness of the Vakatakas, known as Visdhya Sakti. For over a hundred years the Vakatakas, known as Vindhya Sakti. For over
With the coming of the Buddha in early 4th century A.D. historical data becomes more reliable. Starting from 4th century A.D. till the latter half
Talking of other schools, Amravati school is the foremost. Its sculptures shows a mastery of stone sculpture. The monuments at Jaggayyapeta, Nagarjuna-konds and Amaravati
In the Mauryan period stone culture dramatically emerged as the principal medium of Indian artist. Some evidence is put forward by John Irwin that Ashokan
The Kapalas and Kalamukhas are two distinct sects though they were of ten confused with one another. According to Ramanuja the Kapalikas (members of Kapala
A. The worship of Shiva or Rudra goes back to the Harappan and Vedic times. In the Yajurveda, we have the shatarudriya. The Taittinriya tells
ESSENCE OF BHAGATISM Bhagvatism believes in : action performed attached to its fruit is fetter causing endless of briths while nishakama karma is release and
Talking of Bhagvatism it had a very peculiar birth. The inroads of a large number of foreigners in the wake of the disappearance of the
The notion of personal God with whom most intimate relations could be established by the devotee is the focus of theistic religions consciousness. The deities
According to tradition, three Buddhist Councils were held to resolve the doctrinal differences among Buddhist leaders. Only regarding the fourth that was held in Kashmir
Tamil was the oldest spoken literary language of south India that is South of Nilgiris. Evidence as it is shows that there was a body
Chronologically pali is the first Sanskrit language and various Prakrits oppeared later. Even the meaning of the word ‘Pali’ underwent changes. In the final stages
Sanskrit is a remote cousin of all the language of Europe ecepting the Finnish, Hungarian, Turkish and basqe. Around 2000 B.C. an ancestral group of
1. There is controversy about the name ‘Sakas’. Some hold the view that they were probably. One branch of them was known as kshabaratas. Some
(1) It was the emergence of Vakataka power in the Vindhya area some where about the middle of the third century that brought about the
The Satavahana administration was very simple and was according to the principle laid down in Dharmashastras. The king laid no claim of divine right. They
The government if the Satavahana kingdom was organized on the traditional lines. The kingdom was divided into Janapadas, which were further sub-divided into aharas. Each
ORIGIN : (a) Aitrareya Brahmana puts the Adhras beyond the pale of Aryanism. (b) Nasik Prasasti lays claim to Gautmi as a brahamana. (c) Puranas
In the post-Mauryan era, central Asia and north-western India witnessed hectic and shifting political scenes. The Great Yuehi-chi driven out of fertile lend in Western
The Sunga rule, extending a little over a century, is in interlude in the history of India. There is nothing extraordinary about the political events
After Alexander the Great, the greed seleukidan dynasty of Persia held on to the trans-Indus region. After seleukos Nikator was defeated by Chanragupta Maurya in
In contrast to the Mauryan period the period between 200 BC and 300 AD was an age of small kingdoms many of them foreign in
The five centuries which passed between the decline of the first great Indian empire of the Mauryas and the emergence of the great classical empire
NEED OF DHARMA 1. There was considered intellectual ferment around 600 B.C. healthy rivalry was apparent among the number of sects such as the Charvaks,
Diplomacy and geographical proximity primarily determined the foreign relations maintained by Asoka. Particularly, the century in which, Asoka lived was one of continued interactions between
There is much to be contrasted between the cultures of the Harappans and the Aryans. There are indeed a few points of similarities, but they
The geographical evidence as to be found in the hymns of Vedas thros some light on the course of Indo-Aryan migration and the origin of