“The Knowledge Library”

Knowledge for All, without Barriers…

An Initiative by: Kausik Chakraborty.

“The Knowledge Library”

Knowledge for All, without Barriers……….
An Initiative by: Kausik Chakraborty.

The Knowledge Library


SDG India Index

The SDG India Index is a comprehensive tool developed by NITI Aayog to measure the progress of India and its states/UTs towards achieving the Sustainable

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The circular economy is an economic model that aims to eliminate waste and promote the sustainable use of resources by keeping products, materials, and resources

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Blue Economy

What is Blue Economy? Blue Economy is defined by the World Bank as the Sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and

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Finance Bill

A Finance Bill is a proposed legislation that is introduced by the government to implement the financial proposals of the Union Budget for the upcoming

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Liquid Assets

Liquid Assets: Definition If an asset is easy to sell or convert into cash without any loss in its value it is said to be

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Intermediate Goods

Introduction Intermediate goods are important intermediaries in the production process and hence they are very important in nature. These goods change or create new goods

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What is an Investment and How it Works? Investment refers to an asset or item for earning income or appreciation in the future. Appreciation refers

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Issue of Debentures

What is a Debenture? A debenture is a form of corporate debt that is not supported by collateral. Therefore, companies do not have to pledge

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Issue of Shares

What is the Issue of Shares? The issue of shares is the way to allocate new shares to the shareholders. Shareholders may be either individuals

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Kinds of Companies

Introduction Depending on various factors, companies may be classified into various categories. These factors may include liabilities, member count, parameters of holding, or control among

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Large Scale Industries

What is meant by Industries? Businesses can range from sole proprietor enterprise to big corporation that employs thousands of workers across multiple countries. Depending on

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Dissolution of A Firm

Introduction When the relationship between all the partners of the firm is terminated then it is called the dissolution of the firm. After the dissolution

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Fiscal Deficit

Introduction Governments have both earning and spending as their responsibilities. Therefore, they earn revenues and spend money on public projects, such as infrastructure, education, and

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Gaining Ratio

What is Gaining Ratio? Gaining ratio is a term related to partnership firms. When a partner of a partnership firm retires, the remaining partners need to

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Banking Terminology

Demand Liabilities They are liabilities which are payable on demand. For example: Current Deposits, Savings bank deposits, Balances in overdue fixed deposits, Outstanding TTs, MTs,

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