In a small village, there lived a young man named Joseph. He was known throughout the village for his honesty and integrity. Joseph believed in always speaking the truth, no matter the consequences.
One day, the king of the land announced a competition to find the most truthful person in the kingdom. The winner would be rewarded with a bag of gold coins and the title of “The Truthful One.”
Excited by the opportunity to prove his honesty, Joseph decided to participate in the competition. On the day of the event, people from all over the kingdom gathered in the royal court, eager to witness the contest.
The king addressed the crowd and explained the rules of the competition. Each participant would be given a small bird and asked to hide it somewhere on their person. They would then take turns standing before the king and declaring whether or not they had the bird.
One by one, the contestants stepped forward and made their declarations. Some claimed to have the bird, while others denied having it. But each time, the king saw through their lies and exposed their deceit.
Finally, it was Joseph’s turn. With a calm and confident demeanor, he approached the throne and declared, “Your Majesty, I have hidden the bird beneath my cloak.”
The king was astonished by Joseph’s honesty. He asked Joseph to reveal the bird, and sure enough, it was there, tucked safely beneath his cloak.
Impressed by Joseph’s integrity, the king declared him the winner of the competition. Joseph was awarded the bag of gold coins and given the title of “The Truthful One.”
From that day forward, Joseph’s reputation for honesty spread far and wide. He became a trusted advisor to the king and was admired by all who knew him. And though he was now wealthy and respected, Joseph remained true to his values, always living by the principle that honesty is the best policy.