In one of the shlok Krishna tells Arjuna “Dharme cha arthe cha kaame cha mokshe cha bharatarshabha. Yadhihasti tadanyatra yannehasti na tadkvachit” which means “O scion of the Bharat race, whatever dharma, artha, kaam and moksha exists in the world, exists in the text, whatever is not in the text does not exist elsewhere”. Thus Mahabharata contains all the things that exists in the universe. Off this below are few of the morals that I can understand from this epic :
- Win of dharma over adharma is temporary but win of dharma over adharma is permanent. Dice game and Kurukshetra war is the example for it.
- God will stand by you and protect you if you are on the side of dharma, as we can take Arjuna as example where Krishna protects him many a times.
- No wrong in breaking your promises / not keeping your words for upholding the dharma. We can see this when Krishna decides to kill Bhishma by breaking his vow.
- Do not expect everyone to appreciate you for your good deeds as everyone see the life from their own angles, as Krishna himself was disliked by Kamsa, entire Kauravas and Gandhari.
- If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t regret for what you have lost. Krishna tells this to Arjuna during Geetopadesham.
- No matter how powerful you are, you will see your end if you are on the side of adharma. We can see Karna and Bhishma as instances.
- Nothing wrong in following the path of adharma to win over adharmi’s. We can see Bhima breaking Duryodhana’s thigh incidence as an example. Also, Arjuna killing Karna.