List of phrasal verbs: GET
🍒Get on to
Meaning: Contact (someone) in order to raise or discuss a certain matter
Example: That pipe is leaking again. I’ll get on to the plumber in the morning.
🍒Get on to
Meaning: Progress to; to start working on
Example: I haven’t got time to work on this report today; I’ll get on to it tomorrow.
🍒Get on for
Meaning: Be near a time
Example: It was getting on for noon.
🍒Get on with
Meaning: Proceed with; to begin or continue, especially after an interruption
Example: I have to get on with my spring cleaning.
🍒Get on with
Meaning: Have a good relationship with
Example: Peter did not get on with his mother-in-law.
🍒Get onto
Meaning: Move onto an object, especially one on which it is possible to stand
Example: The child will get onto the merry-go-round.
🍒Get onto
Meaning: Contact a person or organisation about a particular matter
Example: You should get onto the manufacturers and complain.
🍒Get onto
Meaning: Connect, especially to the Internet or a network
Example: With my new computer, I can get onto the Internet faster.
🍒Get onto
Meaning: Scold someone
Example: My father got onto me for taking the car without asking.
🍒Get onto
Meaning: Introduce someone to something
Example: My mum got me onto this new diet and I’ve lost 5 kilos in the past two weeks.
🍒Get out
Meaning: Leave or escape
Example: In case of fire, get out by the nearest exit.
🍒Get out
Meaning: Come out of a situation ; to escape a fate
Example: Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways.
🍒Get out
Meaning: Help someone leave
Example: We must get the children out first.
🍒Get out
Meaning: Leave a vehicle such as a car
Example: I’ll get out at the end of the road and walk from there.
🍒Get out
Meaning: Become known
Example: Somehow the secret got out.
🍒Get out
Meaning: Spend free time out of the house
Example: You work too hard. You should get out more.
🍒Get out
Meaning: Publish something, or make a product available
Example: The organization has just gotten their newsletter out.
🍒Get out
Meaning: Say something with difficulty
Example: He could hardly get the words out for the tears.
🍒Get out
Meaning: Clean something. To eliminate dirt or stains
Example: This detergent will get most household stains out.
🍒Get out of
Meaning: Leave, exit, or become free of
Example: I can’t get out of this notion that she may have known all along.
🍒Get out of
Meaning: Circumvent some obligation entirely
Example: I only cheat so I can get out of doing work.
🍒Get out of
Meaning: Leave or exit a place
Example: If you’re smart, don’t sign the employment contract. Just get out of here while you still can.
🍒Get over
Meaning: Overcome
Example: I’m trying to get over my fear of flying.
🍒Get over
Meaning: Recover (from)
Example: I’m having problems getting over a bad cold.
🍒Get over
Meaning: Forget and move on
Example: She was in love with me for 10 years, and still hasn’t got over the fact that the feeling wasn’t mutual.
🍒Get over
Meaning: Successfully communicate; to get across
Example: In our lectures we need to get over the importance of online safety.
🍒Get over with
Meaning: Do something quickly and hastily; without procrastination
Example: I hate getting shots, but it’s best just to get it over with.
🍒Get rid of
Meaning: Dispose (of); to remove; abolish; lose
Example: I want to get rid of your influence over my life!
🍒Get stuck into (UK)
Meaning: Dedicate a large amount of effort towards
Example: He’s really getting stuck into his new job as chief executive.
🍒Get stuck into (UK)
Meaning: Start eating
Example: Dinner’s ready! Quick, get stuck into it!
🍒Get stuck into (UK)
Meaning: Criticise someone; tell off; to get angry at; attack
Example: Why are you getting stuck into me all of the sudden? I didn’t do anything!