Inventions and Discoveries of Biological Science
Associated Terms |
Inventors |
Vitamins | Hopkins |
Antigen | Landsteiner |
DNA | Watson & Crick |
DDT | Paul Muller |
Homeopathy | Samuel Hahnemann |
Insulin | Bating & West |
Polio Vaccine | J. E. Salk |
TB Bacteria | Robert Koch |
BCG | Calmette and Guerin |
Bacteria | Leeuwenhoek |
Open Heart Surgery | Walton Lillehei |
Streptomycin | Waksman |
Stethoscope | Rene Laennec |
Penicillin | A. Fleming |
RNA | Watson & Arthur |
Microbes of Malaria | Charles Laveran |
Kidney Machine | Dr. Willem Kolff |
Heart Transplantation | Christiaan Barnard |
Anti-pregnancy pills | Pincus |
Genetic Code | Har Gobind Khorana |
First Test tube baby | Edwards & Steptoe |
Blood Circulation | William Harvey |
Bacteria of Leprosy | Henson |
Vaccination | Edward Jenner |
Polio Drop | Albert Sabin |
Gene of Cancer | Robert Weinberg |
Chloroform | Harrison & Simpson |
Rh factor, blood replacement | Charles Landsteiner |
Sex Hormones | Eugen Stainak |
Sperm | Humm & Leeuwenhoek |
Spleen-Functions | Barcroft |
Streptomycin – antibiotic | Selman Waksman |
Sulpha drugs | Domagk G. |
Three- Kingdom Classification | Ernest Haeckel |
Thyroxin | Edward Calvin |
Turner’s Syndrome | Turner |
Cancer | Robert Wellberg |
X-rays | Roentgen |
Zymase, the first enzyme | Edward Buchner |
ABA (Abscisic acid) | Addicott |
Amoeba | Roesel Von Rosenhof |
Animal Cloning-First (frogs from tadpole cells) | Robert Briggs and Thomas King |
Antibody against Rabies | Louis Pasteur |
Antitoxin against Diphtheria | Won Berring |
Artificial Heart | Michael Dibake |
Aspirin | Dresser |
ATP | Lohmann K |
Bacteriophage | Towrt and De Herelle |
Biocatalysts | Bushner |
Biochemical Evolution | Wald |
Blood Capillaries | Marcello Malpighi |
Blood Circulation | William Harvey |
Blood Coagulation-Explained | Moravits |
Blood Group (AB) | De Castello and Sturli |
Blood Group (O) | De Castello and Sturli |
Blood Gropus (A, B and O) | Carl Land Steiner |
Blood Pressure- Measured | Stephen Hales |
Carbon Dating | Libby W.F |
Cell | Robert Hooke |
Cell Division | Hofmeister |
Cell Theory | Schleiden and Schwann |
Chemotherapy | Paul Erlich |
Chloroform | James Simpson |
Chloromycetin (antibiotic) | Burk Holder |
Chloroplast | Schimper |
Cholera Bacteria | Robert Koch |
Chromatin | Fleming W |
Chromatography | Michael Tswett |
Chromosomes (Nuclear Filaments)-described | Anton Schneider |
Colour Blindness (Daltonism) | Hornerd |
Compound Microscope | Zacharias Janssen |
Contraceptive Pills | Pincus |
Cortisone | Edward Calvin |
CT Scan (Computer Assisted Tomography (CAT) | Allan Mcleod Cormack and God Frey Newbold Hounsfield |
Cyclosis | Amici G.B. |
ECG (Electrocardiogram) Mechanism | Einthoven |
Electron Microscope | Knoll M. and Ruska E. |
Endoplasmic Reticulum | Porter K.R, Claude and Fullman |
Evolution of man | Leakey |
Five Kingdom Classification
Flower-its reproductive parts |
Whittaker R.H
Grew |
Foot and Mouth Disease- First viral disease of animals | Loeffler F. and Frosch A. |
Four-Kingdom Classification | Copeland |
Glycolysis (EMP pathway) | Embden, Meyerhof and Parnas |
Glyoxysomes | Breidenbach |
Golgibodies | Camillo Golgi |
Green Revolution | Norman E. Borlaug |
Haemophilia | John C. Otto |
Heart transplantation Surgery | Christian Bernard |
HIV | Luc Montagnier |
Hormones | Bayliss and Starling |
Human Gene Therapy | Martin Clive |
Insulin | Sir Frederick Grant Branding; J.J.R Macleod |