(Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management)
In present global situation, numerous powerful technologies have been developed to assist people in households and offices. Faster communication is made possible through mobile phones and the Internet. New technology impacts our daily lives in every field, from the cars, cell phones, computers and networks and power. In fact, humans have always been greatly affected with the developments in new technology. However, today new information technology is slightly complex with cloud computing, new methods of security and data encryption. It is a prevailing fact that new information technology not only benefits programmers, database managers, hardware engineers and network analysts but it also benefits the common user. New information technology was developed in 1940’s and 1950’s for the better working of military and universities.
It is appraised by experts that continual progression of new technology and science made human life simpler. Works can be done easier through high-tech machines and equipment. It gives less work for humans and job can be done faster. It makes human to feel comfortable and easy to live. It also helps people to organize their daily activities. Nowadays, computer is the most useful and popular invention to every people. It is true because computer makes life more enjoyable and through this persons may be able to discover and explore new things. Using computer is like an adventure. It provides people all the information and is used to solve mathematical calculations. Through science and technology, it is easier for inhabitants to communicate with other people around the globe. It is also significant in the field of business because transactions and other events are done through the computer. Science and technology enables every people to live in an easy and modern way of life. It opens the door and allows people to enter into a new world which is fully developed and well civilized.
With the arrival of the internet and the cell phone, kids are also benefited. This new technology to the older generation is novice and unique in their lives. New science and technology offers breakthroughs in life times and children’s lifetimes too that will significantly impact the world in which people live. It is believed that scientific discovery and technological innovations in medical science will be able to cure cancer, HIV-AIDS and other life threatening diseases. New medical technology is being continuously developed, from clinical trials for pharmaceuticals to robotics for complex surgery.
New science and technology may also one day lead to mainstream alternative fuel vehicles, space travel for civilians, virtual reality conferences, a worldwide network of personal wireless electronics, data-transmission at the speed of thought, reversal of global warming and too many other innovations to mention. Latest research in computer science is not limited to medical, business, gadget, IT, space, and education. But it will mean better health, more knowledge and more power.
New research technology are in continuous process and researchers have explored new topics for investigations such as environment and renewable energy, space science, electronics, stem-cell investigations and many others. All these developments in human lives are wholly credited to the amazing invention of computers. The computer application is used and acknowledged worldwide. New models of computers are emerging daily, having different features, unique shapes and attractive designs.
Basically technical innovation of computer has changed the life of humans. It occupies a prominent place in their lives. Used and cheap computers are available in the market for the benefits of students and professionals, working mothers or for home-based jobs, from businesses to medicine, from education to aviation, from government departments to the corporate trading world, these used computers and refurbished laptops are performing incredible tasks. Cheap computers and refurbished laptops are available at very affordable rates to help students and young professionals to enhance their career.
Advancement in business technology help companies get an edge on their competition as well as bring more engaging products and services into the market place. But it must be realized that as new business technology will lead to more productivity, it will also create tough competition at global market.
It is documented in researches that the initiation of science and technology has brought so many progresses in the life of today in whole world. Science is the intelligent and practical activity incorporating the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. It is the investigation of the understanding of the natural world. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It is the use of the resources made available by nature to produce and make changes. Technology is the way we apply scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It includes machines such as computers but also procedures and processes. It might seem like all technology is only electronic, but that is just most modern technology.
As far scientific development is concerned, it is essential for the development of any nation. Its most important contribution is that it helps in creating the larger social ecosystem required for growth. It promotes new ideas, removes all feudal institutions, conservatism, superstitions. It makes society open to change which is essential for the growth of society. But it also creates many unintentional challenges and also may be inadequate by itself. So it is not a solution and needs to be managed well and supported by appropriate policy framework.
In India, in the year 1965, our Prime Minister Late Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri gave the slogan, “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan”. It can be said that without scientific discovery, nation cannot progress. Military and farmers are main pillar of country and there is need for continual scientific development in these areas. In the year 1998, after the Pokaran tests, the then Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee also gave the slogan, when the changed it to, “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, and Jai Vigyan”. It is equally important for a country to be self-sufficient and strong in the field of science and technology for development and make good position at global level.
Recently, Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, indicated that India is the only country in the world which has amalgamation of democracy, demography, and demand. Hence, he has invited foreign investors to invest to give the India economy global recognition with a slogan “Make in India”. However, PM Mr. Narendra Modi has stated that, Government was taking good initiatives for skill development to guarantee the availability of skilled manpower for manufacturing. Science and technology can assist to convert these ideas in creating jobs in India. Science and technology not only help in Making in India/Making for India but there is a need to “Made in India”. Since decades, India purchased technology from abroad to make enhancement and development in country. There is desperate need to give emphasis on technique and technology so that technology is generated indigenously through the help to transform indigenous India as well as transforming global technology for Made in India. India has taken major steps in the field of science and technology and it has left its mark on every aspect of human life. From the development of various vaccines to genetically modified crops, Tissue Culture, Ayuraved, Homoepathy, Naturapathy or the launch of Aryabhatta to the development of ICBMs, India has showed its immense power to world that its science and technology is higher as compared to other countries.
India has taken major steps in the field of science and technology and it has left its mark on every aspect of human life. From the development of various vaccines to genetically modified crops, Tissue Culture, Ayuraved, Homoepathy, Naturapathy or the launch of Aryabhatta to the development of ICBMs, India has showed its immense power to world that its science and technology is higher as compared to other countries.
It is recognised that technological advancement and scientific innovations are significant at the time to different ages in different societies, psychologically if not practically, in a variety of modern societies, for example, young people presently feel a heightened empathy with the digital age (Bennett and Maton, 2010). Many studies have shown that as globalisation becomes an progressively significant factor in’ economic success of nations, technological competence is also vital tool for surviving and prospering not only in society, but in its constituent parts, such as employment, education, agriculture, and industry.
To summarise, science and technology is major threads of global society to live in enhanced way. Technological advancements have shown a substantial growth concerned with each and every field whether it be the communication systems, astronomy, semiconductor devices, automobiles, and electronic devices of daily usage, bio-electronic devices, building and architectural design techniques or the computers. India has made unparalleled development in the arena of scientific research and technology during the post-independence period and there are countless possibilities. It is well established in scientific studies that progress of science and technology in India has been quite significant. Innovative methods, products and better quality goods have been developed in the country. India has made fast progress in the frontline areas of science and technology like space research and atomic energy. There is a need to plan and organize in a way so as to be able to harness intellectuals in the right direction and provide it with the right opportunities. Science and technology is used as an effectual instrument for progress and change. It is being brought into the mainstream of economic planning in the sectors of agriculture, industry and services. The country’s resources are used to derive the maximum production for the benefit of humanity and improvement in the quality of life.